Well... it was "the day of the hounds" yesterday
At daybreak, I cut Snappa and Silver loose one way, and Brad cut his bears dogs the other... Snappa and Silver busted a group, split, and Silver bayed up while we were chasing Snappa

... thinking my tracking unit was messing up(had the antenuator turned on

) I called Silver off the bay and went to find Snappa, who came dragging in after about 30 min...
Meanwhile, the hounds bayed up a good boar, 225#'s or so, and Brad and the boys had it caught before we could get there... and so the day of the hounds continued

The place was real wet and the hogs had layed up in heavy palmettos early in the morning. No wind, cold tracks... my excuses for my dogs could go on and on

The hounds went on to bay and catch 2 more sows that morning... and I might add that not
one of the hogs ever moved an inch once the dogs found them.... just a strange day, but it sure was nice to see some real good hounds work.
Never did get on the big boy, maybe next time...