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Author Topic: When has a dog earned the right to breed to YOU!  (Read 13005 times)
Hog Catching Machine
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« Reply #20 on: October 20, 2013, 03:59:16 pm »

So did you cull or sell these experiments ?

  the best producing two gyps on my yard a thirteen year old Catahoula [ rip marie ] and my nine year old dry ground walker hound were never allowed to even bark at a hog and dropped many fine early starting go get it done with bottom for days gritty hog dogs  Shocked   so boy's and girl's if you don't try you never know and that's the secret to finding those reproducing dogs that are irreplaceable on a hunters yard . don't be afraid to experiment , just be true to yourself and your

goals and keep the ax sharp . the best hunting dogs.  on your yard may not reproduce nary a pup that meets your expectations , but the dog you gave your buddy cause you didn't like the way it hunted or looked could have been carrying that magic gene we are all looking for  .    THAT'S JUST THE WAY IT IS , ALLWAYS HAS BEEN ALLWAYS WILL BE  .

  funny how the worst looking old scrub cow on the farm all ways throwed the best calves  lol 

There's a coon, nevermind, thats Buster.

"So I pawned my lacy off to my girlfriend. That should teach her to meet men off"
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« Reply #21 on: October 20, 2013, 04:40:04 pm »

Those gyps were bred to a JAM UP Catahoula. Strike, Bay and Catch by himself. He and those unproven gyps produced offspring that were DAMN good dogs and some of those offspring were bred back to those same gyps to produce MORE damn good dogs.

Every time you MAKE a first time breeding PROVEN dogs or NOT it's an experiment.

Sorry for interjecting Robert....this Dude just chaps my Arse.


"Let's talk some philosophy"
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« Reply #22 on: October 20, 2013, 04:41:55 pm »

Those gyps were bred to a JAM UP Catahoula. Strike, Bay and Catch by himself. He and those unproven gyps produced offspring that were DAMN good dogs and some of those offspring were bred back to those same gyps to produce MORE damn good dogs.

Every time you MAKE a first time breeding PROVEN dogs or NOT it's an experiment.

Sorry for interjecting Robert....this Dude just chaps my Arse.

yours too huh kevin?

Why should I trade one tyrant three thousand miles away for three thousand tyrants one mile away? An elected legislature can trample a man's rights as easily as a king can!
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« Reply #23 on: October 20, 2013, 04:57:56 pm »

Just because you breed two good dogs together certainly does not mean you're gonna produce all good dogs. Prime example of this is in the bulldog world. Some da*n good dogs were produced off of breeding good males to cold as ice females. I hate seeing folks criticized for taking chances. So what. It's their feed, and their responsibility to raise up/feed/test/cull accordingly.

~Krystale of the Southern Comfort Combine~
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« Reply #24 on: October 20, 2013, 05:19:43 pm »

Go back and look at Centexducks posts. Seems a GOOD portion of them are telling people what to do or Asking them questions that are snide and serve no real purpose except to confirm he's an A$$.

"Let's talk some philosophy"
Hog Catching Machine
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« Reply #25 on: October 20, 2013, 05:27:41 pm »

  Glad I have some fans.  I sometimes post when I shouldn't but more times then not it is what most people are thinking. Well it appears that way based on. The pm s I get.
    I just figured having proven dogs would help cut down on the experiments. Hell from what I have seen and heard some of the best dogs in the woods have a hard time reproducing decent dogs.

There's a coon, nevermind, thats Buster.

"So I pawned my lacy off to my girlfriend. That should teach her to meet men off"
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« Reply #26 on: October 20, 2013, 05:40:59 pm »

I can agree with you to a certain degree.

Thing is...some of the people you "question" have been at this game for a while.

I'm not talking about myself....I'm no expert... But I CAN pick out a young dog that has potential, maybe I've just been lucky but so far I've only been dead wrong once.

I've said it before...having high standards is fine...but don't try to impose your preferences on other people... Just makes you look like a jerk.

"Let's talk some philosophy"
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« Reply #27 on: October 20, 2013, 05:52:04 pm »

 there is no looking like kevin and definitely no fans

Why should I trade one tyrant three thousand miles away for three thousand tyrants one mile away? An elected legislature can trample a man's rights as easily as a king can!
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #28 on: October 20, 2013, 06:05:18 pm »

Cantexduck you got one fan brother......I hear what you're saying.
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« Reply #29 on: October 20, 2013, 06:07:43 pm »

Absolutely no disrespect at all to you Kevin or Mr Whitten, but would one of these jam up dogs you are referring to happen to be jack?
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MR. Whitten

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« Reply #30 on: October 20, 2013, 06:15:44 pm »

   no harm no fowl cantexduck , actually a good question . all my first time crosses and even proven crosses were sold . and they went with a seller, buyer agreement that if the dogs weren't earning their feed by the time they were a year old , I would refund the purchase price . did I have to do this NO ! did I offer this deal for the sole purpose of knowing how a breeding went YES! bought back a total of three pups in 13 years , kept those 3 pups for 90 days started working them and whalla they went to work  lol  some dogs just mature later than others OR are put in the hands of fools .  to sum it up the only way to PROVE a dog [ nay any animal ]  breed worthy is to breed it there is no other way around it . say and think all you want but that is just the way it be .

  is my breeding success for hog dogs 100%  I have no idea some were sold for cowdog prospects some went as just a farm and companion dog but you get the gist of it

 and a lesson I learned messing with these hog dogs , it seems these proven dogs die way too soon  lol

hattak at ofi piso

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« Reply #31 on: October 20, 2013, 06:16:22 pm »

sometimes a pup is well on his/her way to having breeding potential when they are 5-6 months old in my eyes...and by ten months theses pups are breed worthy...but after 3 generations out of good dogs that are line bred and even inbred I am willing to make my call on what I have seen from these type of pups and from the parents and grandparents past history as hog dogs...once I found the dogs I liked and started breeding my own I turned the females over pretty quick so that I could purify the bloodline because I didn't want to only have 3 generations in 20 years...I wanted 6 or 7 generations of great dogs so my dogs would produce as close to 100 percent hog dogs as possible...

With the dogs I have now I can say that I like them fairly well and 4 of the 5 are worth breeding but I really can't say what they will produce. I am thinking my 2 pups that are parker/mt cur crosses will produce pretty good with the mt cur gyp I have...but as far as how many good pups???I can't say for sure because of the parker blood is not familiar to me...but my gut feeling is that it will be a decent cross otherwise I wouldn't try it...the only early starters in my back yard right now are the 2 mt curs I have now...they are pretty good hunting dogs but they lack a little here and there but I am looking more at what I can not see that is in them than at them...

Training dogs is not about quantity, it's more about timing, the right situations, and proper guidance...After that it's up to the dog...
A hunting dog is born not made...
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« Reply #32 on: October 20, 2013, 06:16:35 pm »

I'll let Robert answer that if he wants to. I have no clue who Jack is. I hunted with Robert for a few years but that ended in about 2008 when I moved further west. I know specifically of 3 generations that came out of Boudreaux (S?) and those gyps and there were more than a few pups that made FINE dogs. I owned 2 my self.

"Let's talk some philosophy"
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MR. Whitten

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« Reply #33 on: October 20, 2013, 06:20:36 pm »

    I sold my cow dog prospect named jack  when I moved from Waxahachie  only jack I know 1/2 walker 1/2 cat out of my   ''p'' dog big black and tan houndy looking dog ?

hattak at ofi piso

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MR. Whitten

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« Reply #34 on: October 20, 2013, 06:39:05 pm »

  only jack I ever owned in 58 years mav on the board here got his sister jill never bred this dog


  ol jack hell of a young cow dog when I had him wanted him back after I got moved  lol

hattak at ofi piso

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« Reply #35 on: October 20, 2013, 06:39:36 pm »

there is no looking like kevin and definitely no fans

I'm purdy sure there's probably some fans out there.

No one is above being asked a question/being questioned. I don't care who they are, or how long they've been doing it (it being whatever the particular topic is). Personally, I don't really care what anyone does with their property. But, I do think that if one is going to breed, they should cull. When it gets right down to the nut cuttin'...that's the problem in working dogs of any vocation today. Breed however you like, whenever you like...but, if the sorry ones aren't removed from the're doing the working dog community a disservice.

Anyway...that's my .02 that's worth exactly zero to anyone but me...
T-Bob Parker
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« Reply #36 on: October 20, 2013, 07:08:04 pm »

Heck, I'm sick as a dog, just put in a twelve hour day and starting sippin NyQuil a minute ago, so what the hey, I'll chime in...  Wink

I don't mean this at all rudley.

If a line of dogs has so routinely gotten themselves killed by hogs after a season or two of hard hunting, then they have in fact "proven" themselves. They have proven that if that's the kind of dog that you enjoy and their getting the job done for you, then you'd better breed them early becuase they do not hold up to hard use over the long haul.
It just is what it is. I didn't say its a bad thing or a sin of some sort, just is what it is, if it suites the fella feeding them, then fine.

I say that because a lot of the slightly older crowd is set in their ways and it does no good to argue, but for young skulls full of mush who are reading all this, I'd just like you to consider;

Are you okay with a high turnover rate? If so, it's nobodies business but your own. I personally like dogs that are not only very talented, but also stand the test of time and can be used hard for years to come, but who cares what I like? Nobody really except me.

My pawpaw used to say if everybody liked the same thing as him, my grandma would never be able to get out of bed...  Grin

Catch my drift youngns?

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« Reply #37 on: October 20, 2013, 07:09:53 pm »

Quote from: jsh link=topic= :P77880.msg474637#msg474637 date=1382310318
Cantexduck you got one fan brother......I hear what you're saying.

X2. Even though I agree Mikes an A$$hole... Conservatively...  Tongue

I'll add that even though some of his post make him look that way, most have good reason or truth behind it..
Now if he posted what he REALLY wanted to say, that's when the sure enough a$$hole would come out... And probabaly get banned...  Grin

Keep posting a$$hole!!!  Cheesy
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« Reply #38 on: October 20, 2013, 07:20:30 pm »

I don't care what anyone breeds for themselves. It's when they turn around and try to sell all the pups on these experimental crosses is what aggravates me. If you cant afford to raise a few, place with other hunters and prove the cross... then you probably shouldn't be breeding them.

Hell, I give away all these junky black pups... maybe I'm doing it wrong?

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« Reply #39 on: October 20, 2013, 08:51:41 pm »

Mr. Whitten,
 I'll provide you a quick recap of Jack's Hog Hunting career. I know this because he belongs to my good friend and hunting partner CuJo 72. He is a key part of our pack today and helps us catch quite a few hogs. He is well cared for and gets to hunt on a regular basis. He is a gritty help dog. Bays good and will catch a 150 lb hog by himself. Although he looks houndy, he works more like the catahoulas I have hunted with. Jack possesses certain traits that indicate he probably has a few good dogs in his family history. We are not breeders and Jack himself is not breeding material, therefore he has been castrated. 
 Jack has taught us quite a few lessons about hog hunting. We were new to hog hunting when we got Jack and quite frankly probably didn't do him any favors. As a young dog, Jack showed glimpses of being a strike dog. He didn't hunt particularly hard but if you put him in decent sign, he would find and bay his own hog and actually do it in style. He was inconsistent in regards to how much effort he put out when hunting. To put it mildly, I'll say he was "gamey" as a young dog with a particular fondness for small black and white critters that smell bad. We figured out that we were asking too much of a young unfinished dog. We acquired some finished strike dogs and put them with Jack and it has worked well for us. He busted a few bays early on but over the past 1.5 years, he has learned when to bay and when to catch. I hope you appreciate the update as much as we appreciate Jack's contributions to our hog hunting efforts.

Leon Keys
Dish, Tx
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