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Author Topic: Papers!! Papers!!! Papers!!!!  (Read 7587 times)
Strike Dog
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« Reply #60 on: December 19, 2013, 10:27:33 am »

but now it is exposed so now someone some where is reading all of this and will try to scratch some things down on paper and try and sell a dog based on a long line of great dogs that came from the local pound lol
I am sure it has already happened

just be weery there is alot of good and bad out there make sure you get to know the breeded get refrences if you dont know them look at history go hunting with them anything you can think of to make yourself comfortable with a purchase if ur not comfortable move on
papers no papers expensive cheap it dont matter it all comes down to what u want and what you want out of it

this will be debated to the worlds end and the same out come each time

to each their own

dont let a forum tell you how to run your pack they are all just opinions everyone has one just like mine

happy hunting
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« Reply #61 on: December 19, 2013, 10:44:32 am »

One thing I have learned about opinions....after listening to all the opinions I can usually make a better decision based on what I know and what I have heard...

Training dogs is not about quantity, it's more about timing, the right situations, and proper guidance...After that it's up to the dog...
A hunting dog is born not made...
Hog Doom
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« Reply #62 on: December 19, 2013, 05:23:27 pm »

In a lot of cases, one could learn what NOT to do based off of some of the "interesting" opinions I've seen on public forums, lol.

~Krystale of the Southern Comfort Combine~
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« Reply #63 on: December 19, 2013, 05:58:44 pm »

One thing I have learned about opinions....after listening to all the opinions I can usually make a better decision based on what I know and what I have heard...

X2.........and SEE !
Lord of the Hogs
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« Reply #64 on: December 19, 2013, 06:15:06 pm »

Speaking of papers......

Got to see one of those high powered yellers from a highly discussed breeder sold as a started dog on cattle recently.
Came with nice inlayed bordered papers with lines and lines filled with well known and highly discussed named pedigree's.

100% money back guarantee.

Dog would not even bay. Period spooky to even get out of the dog box. Which is typical from what I have witnessed on these particular dogs.

The price...........unrealistic at best..........but not my cash.

Guess we will see bout the guarantee here perty quick....But for a renowned breeder to put a stamp on what I witnessed on an older pup supposedly performing .........embarrassing and a firm decision maker here on out.

Figure it was a retread to begin with being the reason it was sold as an older WORKING PUP. 

Enjoy them papered dogs boys.  Lol Grin
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« Reply #65 on: December 20, 2013, 08:15:06 am »

Speaking of papers......

Got to see one of those high powered yellers from a highly discussed breeder sold as a started dog on cattle recently.
Came with nice inlayed bordered papers with lines and lines filled with well known and highly discussed named pedigree's.

100% money back guarantee.

Dog would not even bay. Period spooky to even get out of the dog box. Which is typical from what I have witnessed on these particular dogs.

The price...........unrealistic at best..........but not my cash.

Guess we will see bout the guarantee here perty quick....But for a renowned breeder to put a stamp on what I witnessed on an older pup supposedly performing .........embarrassing and a firm decision maker here on out.

Figure it was a retread to begin with being the reason it was sold as an older WORKING PUP. 

Enjoy them papered dogs boys.  Lol Grin
I guess you don't find any culls in those non-papered dogs lol
Lacy man
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« Reply #66 on: December 20, 2013, 08:26:43 am »

Speaking of papers......

Got to see one of those high powered yellers from a highly discussed breeder sold as a started dog on cattle recently.
Came with nice inlayed bordered papers with lines and lines filled with well known and highly discussed named pedigree's.

100% money back guarantee.

Dog would not even bay. Period spooky to even get out of the dog box. Which is typical from what I have witnessed on these particular dogs.

The price...........unrealistic at best..........but not my cash.

Guess we will see bout the guarantee here perty quick....But for a renowned breeder to put a stamp on what I witnessed on an older pup supposedly performing .........embarrassing and a firm decision maker here on out.

Figure it was a retread to begin with being the reason it was sold as an older WORKING PUP. 

Enjoy them papered dogs boys.  Lol Grin
I guess you don't find any culls in those non-papered dogs lol

I agree with Scott there's culls in all breedings.. Period.... I ll take a paper bulldog from Scott any day of the week
Lord of the Hogs
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« Reply #67 on: December 20, 2013, 08:58:47 am »

Nahhhhhh... Everybody knows that you never get culls in non papered dogs..... Cheesy. Haha.

Gents......point was............eyes instead of ears.........

Lots of folks being new, old, young and a few experienced ......seemed to be dazled and ultimately Distracted by the hype of a paper trail. 

Good, green, blue, ugly, hairy or blind.....if the product works.....use it or pass it along ...

But selling.....or even the attempt to sell a non working shameful in this sport.  Just letting the few that care bout quality.......know of a personal witnessed event of this type.  To the ones that only care bout bordered, frameable, over priced, piece of recycled wood.............I am sure it looks great on your wall.   Wink
Hog Dog Mike
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« Reply #68 on: December 20, 2013, 09:21:58 am »

I have owed bunches of bird dogs. Without a doubt the sorriest most worthless dog I ever owned was the best papered. His sire was a national champion (there is only 1 of them per year) and his dam was the direct daughter of a national champion. The only regret I have about that dog is that I did not shoot him for the good of the breed.

All the bird dogs I owned were papered. There are good dogs and bad dogs within certain lines of dogs. Just because they are of a certain line is no guarantee that they will be good. I have found the same thing with labs. I got one great dog from a breeder and one so so dog. They both had the same sire.

I have only owned 2 hog dogs that were supposed to be papered. I did not get the papers because they mean nothing to me. Anyway both turned out not to be what I was looking for in a dog and I got rid of them.

I could care less if any of my hog dogs are papered. In fact if someone starts telling me about a hog dogs papers I am going to be very cautious. More than likely they are trying to sell you some cull on the basis of papers. AND how do you know that the papers are correct?
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« Reply #69 on: December 20, 2013, 01:50:59 pm »

Papers (pedigree) is only as good as the man or woman handing them to you.  It would seem to be prudent to be very cautious when purchasing a dog or pup from anyone...papers or not

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« Reply #70 on: December 20, 2013, 01:55:15 pm »

I dont know what all this fuss is about-

A gun doesnt have to have a registration to shoot-but some folks want htier guns registered.

A car doesnt have to have a registration to drive- but the law requires it.

There are all kinds of "things" out there the perform with or without a registration.

My dogs dont know they have a registration, but I want papers on a dog so I can look back and see the pedigree.  I can write it my self of I can send the papers to UKC and have them do the work.  Either way- its my $ to spend and I prefer papers.

The papers dont make the dog hunt, they dont make the gun shoot, and they dont make the car drive.  They are just papers and certified documents of registration.

You want papers, get them- if you dont, thats fine too!
Hog Doom
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« Reply #71 on: December 20, 2013, 02:00:40 pm »

I think people read too far into "papers." Handwritten, or with a registry name and a stamp on them, paperwork is simply a way to keep track of the bloodline/lineage of a dog, and shows how it is supposed to be bred (when written/registered honestly.) Nothing more, nothing less.

The dog proves itself.

What DOES irritate me is when dogs or pups (working or not) are sold at crazy escalated prices just because they have paperwork on them. I've also seen ads like..."$200 without papers, $400 with papers." WTF. Even when you use a registry to register a dog it's only average around $20.


~Krystale of the Southern Comfort Combine~
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« Reply #72 on: December 20, 2013, 02:39:21 pm »

^^^^ I like

"Let's talk some philosophy"
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« Reply #73 on: December 20, 2013, 06:33:55 pm »

Papers (pedigree) is only as good as the man or woman handing them to you.  It would seem to be prudent to be very cautious when purchasing a dog or pup from anyone...papers or not

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Yes sir, pretty well sums it all up. Papers are only as good as the man handin em to ya.

"stupids in the water these days, they're gonna drink it anyway." - Chris Knight
Strike Dog
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« Reply #74 on: December 21, 2013, 04:18:34 pm »

Papers are worthless!!!  Now having said that I have papers on every dog I own and always will raise registered dogs.  Papers don't make a dog or pup more valuable that why I say the are worthless.  There are folks out there that think the dogs with papers are worth more and that's their dog and papers.  If you don't want to buy that persons dog then don't, we've wasted a lot of time here bickering about this topic and if we don't get off the computer and get in the woods all are dogs are gonna be worthless!!!  LOL
hog tied
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« Reply #75 on: December 22, 2013, 01:32:05 am »

I find It funny to see the number of people intimidated by papered dogs. Papered dogs produce just as much pork as you call it, as your so called unregistered super dogs. The truth is, most cant afford to go out and buy em, so you sit back and piss and moan about it, all the while tooting your horns about your unregistered dogs. Good for you, anybody with any sense knows that good and bad dogs exist in both worlds, period. Tell the people who've been breeding the right way for years, with papers, that their dogs are junk. I own a yard full of em and they have papers, tell me they don't catch hogs! Quit whining and go catch your hogs, I assure you the papered dog owners will too.
Hog Doom
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« Reply #76 on: December 22, 2013, 10:29:39 am »

I find It funny to see the number of people intimidated by papered dogs. Papered dogs produce just as much pork as you call it, as your so called unregistered super dogs. The truth is, most cant afford to go out and buy em, so you sit back and piss and moan about it, all the while tooting your horns about your unregistered dogs. Good for you, anybody with any sense knows that good and bad dogs exist in both worlds, period. Tell the people who've been breeding the right way for years, with papers, that their dogs are junk. I own a yard full of em and they have papers, tell me they don't catch hogs! Quit whining and go catch your hogs, I assure you the papered dog owners will too.


Very true, there's good and bad in both worlds.

~Krystale of the Southern Comfort Combine~
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« Reply #77 on: December 22, 2013, 01:34:17 pm »

I find It funny to see the number of people intimidated by papered dogs. Papered dogs produce just as much pork as you call it, as your so called unregistered super dogs. The truth is, most cant afford to go out and buy em, so you sit back and piss and moan about it, all the while tooting your horns about your unregistered dogs. Good for you, anybody with any sense knows that good and bad dogs exist in both worlds, period. Tell the people who've been breeding the right way for years, with papers, that their dogs are junk. I own a yard full of em and they have papers, tell me they don't catch hogs! Quit whining and go catch your hogs, I assure you the papered dog owners will too.

Lol a little biased are we?

"stupids in the water these days, they're gonna drink it anyway." - Chris Knight
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« Reply #78 on: December 22, 2013, 01:38:15 pm »

And you sure paint with a broad brush about unregistered super dogs and the guys that have em not having the money to buy registered dogs......come on man thats just silly and quite a low blow to the majority of people in this site,i dont care what you or anyone else says about it, thats just arrogant. Maybe some people dont want to spend bunches of money on papered dogs, and are happy with their unregistered "super dogs" as you call em, ever think about that?

"stupids in the water these days, they're gonna drink it anyway." - Chris Knight
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« Reply #79 on: December 22, 2013, 01:42:31 pm »

I was sort of thinking that this thread was about to end.....I guess not now.  A new can of worms just opened.
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