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Author Topic: Phil robertson  (Read 6840 times)
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« Reply #20 on: December 19, 2013, 08:55:21 pm »

If all the talk is true, then A&E committed suicide.

I wonder how many times the Robertson's phone rang today from other networks wishing to set up a meeting.

What Phil did in my opinion didn't have anything to do with "opinion".  He quoted scripture and biblical principals...the same that this once great nation was founded on and made it the once great nation it was.

Just another example of the trouble we're in.

I'd personally like to shake the mans hand...not even so much for what he believes but that he stands firm on his beliefs and doesn't compromise.

I'd also add that if I were Phil, I wouldn't take the job back even if A&E came begging.  They have let it be known where they stand.  Any change of heart they might have would purely be political.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2013, 08:57:34 pm by Bryant » Logged

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« Reply #21 on: December 19, 2013, 09:46:50 pm »

    I think the agent for Phil is just really good at what they do. Phil s agent put him in the right place being asked the right question. Interview questions are most times pre approved. Phil's worth just tripled and it opens up talk with other networks.

There's a coon, nevermind, thats Buster.

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« Reply #22 on: December 19, 2013, 09:47:37 pm »

A&E needs the Robertson's way more than the Robertson's need A&E. I've certainly never met Phil, but I have to imagine he gives two chits less about not being filmed anymore. I hopenthe rest of the Robertson clan do the right thing and tell the network to suck it, and judging from the duck commander response it seems as if this is going to be the case.

Duck Dynasty is a show I truly enjoy watching, but I no longer will watch it or any other show on that network and support a&e's ratings. I also have a few duck dynasty shirts but will never buy another as the network owns the name and surely profits from it. Duck Commander  or Buck commander gear is still good to go as the family owns those names. But I will no longer support any Duck Dynasty product.

With the rest of the filth that is so popular on TV these days, it is an absolute shame that a Godly man gets ostracized for simply voicing his truthful opinion. This age of political corectness we live in is beyond ridiculous.

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« Reply #23 on: December 20, 2013, 09:56:16 am »

I think it's a big hypocracy. How can they punish the man because he recited his beliefs that come from the bible?
And for pete's sake, whatever happened to our freedom of speech?
What a ridiculous mess.

~Krystale of the Southern Comfort Combine~
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« Reply #24 on: December 20, 2013, 11:00:43 am »

I think it's a big hypocracy. How can they punish the man because he recited his beliefs that come from the bible?
And for pete's sake, whatever happened to our freedom of speech?
What a ridiculous mess.

we are white collar tax paying americans, we have no 1st amendment right, no freedom of speech or freedom of religion, if our religion interferes with the socialists and muslims, especially those in our current government 

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« Reply #25 on: December 20, 2013, 02:07:05 pm »

When you think about it.....

Discrimination is frowned upon, no?

Then what makes it okay for the network to suspend Phil from the show, because of his beliefs??? Is that not a form of discrimination as well?

~Krystale of the Southern Comfort Combine~
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« Reply #26 on: December 20, 2013, 02:21:31 pm »

Its only discrimination if ur not for the current media reform or go against what othees are trying force down our throats.

Why should I trade one tyrant three thousand miles away for three thousand tyrants one mile away? An elected legislature can trample a man's rights as easily as a king can!
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« Reply #27 on: December 20, 2013, 03:44:01 pm »

If all the talk is true, then A&E committed suicide.

I wonder how many times the Robertson's phone rang today from other networks wishing to set up a meeting.

What Phil did in my opinion didn't have anything to do with "opinion".  He quoted scripture and biblical principals...the same that this once great nation was founded on and made it the once great nation it was.

Just another example of the trouble we're in.

I'd personally like to shake the mans hand...not even so much for what he believes but that he stands firm on his beliefs and doesn't compromise.

I'd also add that if I were Phil, I wouldn't take the job back even if A&E came begging.  They have let it be known where they stand.  Any change of heart they might have would purely be political.

10-4! That is what blows my mind and really scares me.  He was ASKED a question, and he responded with a quote from the Bible.  He also mentions the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers, but did the drunks get offended!? What about slanderers?? My point is, it is not like he went out of his way to target/chastise homosexuality.  Besides Bonanza, this is the only other show I enjoy watching that I can watch with my daddy without either one of us feeling uncomfortable, or blushing if that makes sense.  It is a great show for all ages. They are a great American family with good qualities and the show portrays clean fun but keeps you splittin-your-sides-laughing the whole time.  It's almost like someone was LOOKING for a reason to do this.  Take a look at all of the things that you see in other TV shows and the news... But give Phil Robertson the boot because he was asked a question and he quoted the Bible?? Everyone needs to quit getting their panties in a wad because someone has a different view than them.  It's life, and what makes the world go round. 

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« Reply #28 on: December 20, 2013, 08:50:35 pm »

I've been puttin some thought into Phil's situation and the state of Christianity in the World today. Christ said when you follow Him, people will be offended. (John 16:1) . He said following him would make an outcast of you with your own family, that people would kill you in God's name and they believe they were doing good.  When you make a stand for Christ, it makes non believers and unrepetetant sinners uncomfortable. I think Phil's situation is a perfect example of a Godly man standing up for his  Beliefs and the expected reaction and persecution of the non believers.  Christ said to rejoice when persecuted For His name.  It's great to see so many Americans standing up for Brother. Phil. Last thing, the left always oversteps its boundaries. Hopefully, all these disasters, Obamacare, all his scandals, the lefts push for homosexual rights,,, hopefully, it will solidify the conservative movement and we can vote the bums out this congressional election.
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« Reply #29 on: December 21, 2013, 01:15:18 pm »

I thought we had free speech rights . Oh my bad this is the new America

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« Reply #30 on: December 22, 2013, 08:09:49 am »

Just ridiculous.  Part of Cracker Barrel's statement: "Cracker Barrel’s mission is Pleasing People"

PLEASING PEOPLE!? What the hell...

You can't please everyone, but it's so important to stand up for what you believe in.  Stick to your word.  Say what you mean and mean what you say.  Why the hell everyone has to be so damn wishy washy and swing from one side to another just to please people- I have NO idea.  I know one thing for sure, durn sure won't be eating at Cracker Barrel.
Thought this was cool... my dad has the week off so he is going to Louisiana to the Duck Commander store to purchase some of their merchandise and show his support tomorrow and just let them know there's folks in Texas who stand with them.  Dang sure wish I could go and show support, but I have to work...

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« Reply #31 on: December 22, 2013, 10:14:03 pm »

So...I just read on the net where Cracker Barrell has reversed its decision and decided to put the Duck merchandise back on the shelves.  Well congrats Cracker Barrell...congrats for having no spine...for basically not standing for anything.  Kind of easy to sit on the fence and see how things shake out.  A marketing department  smart enough to recognize that their core customer base requires low sodium diets and soft food, but not sure how to react to a conservative point of view??  Give me a break....

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« Reply #32 on: December 23, 2013, 07:33:14 am »

I thought we had free speech rights . Oh my bad this is the new America

As an Atheist I have no problem with Phil's statement about 'sin' or his belief in the myth of a god.  I don't think it was just about homosexuality.  It was about all kinds of sins, from greed to adultery.  I actually this it was more 'biblical' in that it included many sins instead of picking just one and harping on it.

But, this is not about "free speech".  We all have that.  We can say virtually anything we want anywhere.  The issue is when we do are there repercussions.  Our employers have the right not to continue our employment if they find our "speech" problematic or offensive.  Same here.  A&E feels Phil's statement were caustic to a large segment of their audience and their advertisers.  If either are offended, they will lose viewers and advertisers. 

Having said that, I was offended by his statements regarding Blacks and their having civil rights.  They were offensive to minorities and they will have economic repercussions.
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« Reply #33 on: December 23, 2013, 10:05:57 am »

 does any1 have the link to the interview? I cant find it, only thing I can find is after the interview articles, and 1 article that seems to be from the interview, but Im not 100% sure. in the interview that I found that is in ?, I found something that again shows rights being removed. here is a copy and paste of what I found: But there are more things Phil would like to say—“controversial” things, as he puts it to me—that don’t make the cut. (This March, for instance, he told the Christian-oriented Sports Spectrum magazine that he didn’t approve of A&E editing out “in Jesus” from a family prayer scene, even though A&E says that the phrase has been uttered in at least seventeen episodes.)

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just bc it was said in the previous 17 episodes, doesn't give the tv producers the authority to remove it from #18 and violating their constitutional rights of freedom of religion.

this is for rl, if this aint what you are referring to, then paste the link to what u are referring to asto his comments of civil right for the blacks.

 Phil On Growing Up in Pre-Civil-Rights-Era Louisiana
“I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person. Not once. Where we lived was all farmers. The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I’m with the blacks, because we’re white trash. We’re going across the field.... They’re singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, ‘I tell you what: These doggone white people’—not a word!... Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues.”

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again, if this aint the comment u r referring to, then post his comment. but from what Im seeing, there aint a single thing in this comment that could be construded as offensive.

now on this topic, and I know there are some black folks on this site, and if this up coming word offends you, good, it offends me too. I do have a problem with black folks walking around saying nigger this and nigger that and calling each other nigger, but yet when a person of any other race, espically a white person, its "come lets whoop the racist cracker". it stands to reason that if its racist if the honky says, that its racist if the blacks say it, especially calling each other that. if that word is degrading and offensive to the black race, then what does it say for those that are using the term towards 1 another? it says, they don't care to clean up their act and stop the degradation of their own community and race. the blacks want racism stopped, then they should start with policing their self up first. 

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« Reply #34 on: December 23, 2013, 10:32:42 am »

Having said that, I was offended by his statements regarding Blacks and their having civil rights.  They were offensive to minorities and they will have economic repercussions.

Economic repercussions?Huh??
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« Reply #35 on: December 23, 2013, 12:16:41 pm »

 there is no economic re/persecution. as "minorities" they have more access to government aid than white folks, especially a white male, along with free education benefits, free housing, free food, free phone, benefits, that I, as a white person cant get right now bc I had to work to pay my bills and have to be unemployed or working a job that wouldn't even pay my house note per month, let along food, fuel, insurance and a few other bills that are required. im not factoring in canine upkeep or my nicotine habit, bc those are luxuries that I don't have to HAVE. not all, but a fair amount CHOOSE NOT to help themselves out, instead they would prefer to live off free aid from the sweat of the others and go through life as a leach or parasite, mooching off others. race/color don't have crap to do with any of it though, its pure worthlessness and being lazy. the public school system may not be the best, but its there and EVERYBODY has the opportunity to get an education and be a proactive member in society, so economic re/persecution is no way as excuse or factor in anything when it comes their choices in life. so many rules and laws have been created and standards dropped to "help" the non-white and non-males, and they still cant get their chit together and be a positive member in society, all of their own free will do they choose to live and act the way they do. they not meaning blacks, but whites, blacks, Hispanics, Asians and women, all have the chances to better their selves, but some choose to no to, and to those, I have no pitty for. 

Why should I trade one tyrant three thousand miles away for three thousand tyrants one mile away? An elected legislature can trample a man's rights as easily as a king can!
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« Reply #36 on: December 23, 2013, 01:44:41 pm »

there is no economic re/persecution. as "minorities" they have more access to government aid than white folks, especially a white male, along with free education benefits, free housing, free food, free phone, benefits, that I, as a white person cant get right now bc I had to work to pay my bills and have to be unemployed or working a job that wouldn't even pay my house note per month, let along food, fuel, insurance and a few other bills that are required. im not factoring in canine upkeep or my nicotine habit, bc those are luxuries that I don't have to HAVE. not all, but a fair amount CHOOSE NOT to help themselves out, instead they would prefer to live off free aid from the sweat of the others and go through life as a leach or parasite, mooching off others. race/color don't have crap to do with any of it though, its pure worthlessness and being lazy. the public school system may not be the best, but its there and EVERYBODY has the opportunity to get an education and be a proactive member in society, so economic re/persecution is no way as excuse or factor in anything when it comes their choices in life. so many rules and laws have been created and standards dropped to "help" the non-white and non-males, and they still cant get their chit together and be a positive member in society, all of their own free will do they choose to live and act the way they do. they not meaning blacks, but whites, blacks, Hispanics, Asians and women, all have the chances to better their selves, but some choose to no to, and to those, I have no pitty for. 

Amen !! Preach on brother Charles !! I love to hear you testify !!

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« Reply #37 on: December 23, 2013, 04:27:36 pm »

it says, they don't care to clean up their act and stop the degradation of their own community and race. the blacks want racism stopped, then they should start with policing their self up first. 

There are some words, such as the N word or the Y word ... that cannot be re-purposed ... even within a race.  They have a history of being used as derogatory and to degrade a race and as such are so toxic that they really can't be re-purposed.  If a Black uses the N word derogatorily in tone or purpose towards another Black (which happens) ... then they are using it for the same toxic purpose that offends them.
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« Reply #38 on: December 23, 2013, 04:36:18 pm »

he told the Christian-oriented Sports Spectrum magazine that he didn’t approve of A&E editing out “in Jesus” from a family prayer scene, even though A&E says that the phrase has been uttered in at least seventeen episodes.)

just bc it was said in the previous 17 episodes, doesn't give the tv producers the authority to remove it from #18 and violating their constitutional rights of freedom of religion.

Whatever A&E did regarding the program and the editing, it is not a violation of Phil's constitutional right to freedom of religion.  A&E is a private sector enterprise.  It is not a government entity.  The constitution prohibit the imposition of religion by the government.

Additionally, Phil signed a contract with A&E and I have no doubt that in that contract A&E retained all rights to edit the show, which is standard.
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« Reply #39 on: December 23, 2013, 05:00:02 pm »

 so then explain why they walk around sayin " whats up nigga, nigga please" and yet its ok, but a white person in the exact same manner, the manner of a greeting or welcome that ole' whitey is now a racist.

also, explain what the heck is the "Y" word
if the 1st amendment is only to protect the government from discriminating against religion, then why is it that with every company out there, there is always the disclaimer or, "we are an equal opportunity employer and we do not discriminate against color, creed, sex, race and or religion"? let a privately owned company tell an applicant or employee that they did not get the job or is laid off, fired or suspended bc they are Christian, muslim, budist, or any other religious affiliated practice, and that person will have a law suite filed and will when before a cat can lick its a$$, with its tail up and tongue out. the 1st amendment is not to protect the people from religious discrimination, from just the government, but protection from any and all religious discrimination. if by signing a contract with any company, private or public, that contract can not say "sorry, we do not want you to use GOD, Alah, Buda" or any other religious figure of worship in any form or fashion of legal mumbo jumbo lingo.

now, is the following text the same interview conversation about blacks and their civil rights that offended you?

 Phil On Growing Up in Pre-Civil-Rights-Era Louisiana
“I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person. Not once. Where we lived was all farmers. The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I’m with the blacks, because we’re white trash. We’re going across the field.... They’re singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, ‘I tell you what: These doggone white people’—not a word!... Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues.”

Why should I trade one tyrant three thousand miles away for three thousand tyrants one mile away? An elected legislature can trample a man's rights as easily as a king can!
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