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Author Topic: dogs getting shot  (Read 2709 times)
Alpha Dog
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« on: December 27, 2013, 07:27:17 pm »

Iam trying figure out what kind of ppl,some folks are to shoot a hunting dog,i understand if it was doing harm to someone are livestock,but just for the heck of it ,and bring the collars to u.i know what i do i would stomp his butt,are get mine stomped,ppl around were i live just dont do this,is like law of the land,try catch it ,call num on collar,tell everyone at the feed store,cafe.iam sorry for the guys that lose hunting dogs to ppl that shoots them,man thats bad,my 2 cents.the time,money my dogs are like family.i pray for the guy that just shoots my dog for the heck of it.and i know about it.
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2013, 07:35:12 pm »

Iam trying figure out what kind of ppl,some folks are to shoot a hunting dog,i understand if it was doing harm to someone are livestock,but just for the heck of it ,and bring the collars to u.i know what i do i would stomp his butt,are get mine stomped,ppl around were i live just dont do this,is like law of the land,try catch it ,call num on collar,tell everyone at the feed store,cafe.iam sorry for the guys that lose hunting dogs to ppl that shoots them,man thats bad,my 2 cents.the time,money my dogs are like family.i pray for the guy that just shoots my dog for the heck of it.and i know about it.
it's sad. There aren't too many people around here that would do that. But there are a few that I know of that would. Matter of fact I had a dog get put just the other day and head downtown. I got about 4 calls that they had caught my dog for me and was holding him until I could pick him up on he didn't get ran over. Glad there are ppl like that still

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« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2013, 08:20:58 pm »

It's bad. Almost gotta worry about people killing our dogs now more than the hogs it seems as of late.

~Krystale of the Southern Comfort Combine~
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« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2013, 09:27:42 pm »

Here the thing...deer hunters pay on average of 1000 dollars a year to hunt...spend quite a bit traveling to and from...more for deer the place up and buying and keeping feeders when they are sitting in a blind and holdovers spook the deer and disrupt the deer normal pattern of travel it is very upsetting to those hunters. ..some may choose to shoot the dogs...not saying it is right but it thing to do is stay out until deer season is over...

Training dogs is not about quantity, it's more about timing, the right situations, and proper guidance...After that it's up to the dog...
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Bo Pugh
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« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2013, 09:33:51 pm »

Like Reuben said best thing to do is don't turn your dog loose during deer season. You don't know where it's going or who's hunting where and people do this every year turn their dog loose he goes across the line and someone kills him and the dog owner is mad at really their own mistake
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2013, 09:55:25 pm »

This kind of thing just dont happen around were i live,if we hunt during the day,we will let everybody that owns land around no,that were hog hunting cause and so is getting rooted up corn feeders getting tore up.some like it,some dont,there not going to shoot your dog.and they are deer hunters to that pay 10,000 a year to have nice place to hunt,we dont turn out wen folks are deer hunting unless they ask us to catch hogs,some places we hunt yr round ,other places we dont hunt wen deer season is open.iam a deer hunter to so i can relate.
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2013, 12:55:13 am »

I know that every year where I live in central tx during deer season it's infested with people wearing camo with a gun. And alot of them are from the cities and like to get away. So they also stay out by the camp fire, go spotlighting shooting varmints, calling, ect. I don't hunt during deer season unless its on a place that's not leased to deer hunters, or i know there are no deer hunters there on that place I'm hunting. But they could still always run a hog across a fence where there are hunters. There's always a possibility of a dog getting shot who knows wat can happen even when it isn't deer season. Buddy of mine ran a hog to the neighbors and had the hog bayed up in a corner of some cattle pens. Landowner shot the dog cus he thought it was baying a calf. Then after dog was shot realized it was a hog wen it ran off.

Seth Gillespie
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« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2014, 08:23:45 pm »

Sorry people everywhere killing dogs. Deer season or not it burns me up. I have had 11 dogs shot through the past 15 years. It used to be where you could run a dog loose and never have to worry about such as this. You better not try it now because they want make it a full day around my neck of the woods.

Shotgun wg
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« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2014, 11:08:31 pm »

U can thank the yuppies moving to the country. U can also thank irresponsible people that run dogs.

The dog hunter of today has to do everything within his power to keep his dogs on the correct property.

The yuppie needs to understand that dogs are not near as bad as they think.

U have tons of folks moving to the country to enjoy country life that have no idea what it really is. These same people think they own wild animals because they feed them corn. There is as much difference of thinking between new country and born country as a conservative and a liberal. I doubt the days of most folks in the country understanding dogs and dog hunting will ever return. Just think about it. 30 years ago how many country folks ran dogs of some kind. 50 years ago I'm sure there was even more. Our only hope is to figure out how to keep the city slickers in the city .


Hog Dog Pup
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« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2014, 12:56:54 pm »

Some people are just sorry.  I had a buddy with a mountain cur that was by far the best blood dog I've ever seen.  Had the guy that owns the Dos Hermanos ranch offer him $10,000 for him and he turned it down.  Long story short, the dog was trailing a wounded buck for a guy, jumped a property line and a guy shot and killed him.  It ought to be legal for you to shoot back in that situation.  I mean a freakin blood dog with an Astro on.  I wasn't like some stray wondering the woods messing up everything.  That dog was working and the guy knew it.  I probably would have gone to jail that day if I was the owner.

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« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2014, 01:59:40 pm »

U can thank the yuppies moving to the country. U can also thank irresponsible people that run dogs.

The dog hunter of today has to do everything within his power to keep his dogs on the correct property.

The yuppie needs to understand that dogs are not near as bad as they think.

U have tons of folks moving to the country to enjoy country life that have no idea what it really is. These same people think they own wild animals because they feed them corn. There is as much difference of thinking between new country and born country as a conservative and a liberal. I doubt the days of most folks in the country understanding dogs and dog hunting will ever return. Just think about it. 30 years ago how many country folks ran dogs of some kind. 50 years ago I'm sure there was even more. Our only hope is to figure out how to keep the city slickers in the city .

couldnt agree more!

sshh... ya hear that??? there bayed boys!!!!!
TDHA Member
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« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2014, 09:52:08 pm »

All of the deer hunters that lease my land let me know which weekends they are hunting so my dogs don't disturb there hunting they all know not to shoot my dogs or they will loose there lease no money back because i keep there lanes clear and fill the feeders for them but the problem we have down here are dumb kids that see dogs chasing a hog across the pasture and turn loose with there machine guns trying to hit a pig but end up takin out my dogs

Rocking D Kennels
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« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2014, 03:12:12 pm »

I know I lost a bulldog overnight one time when hic t-collar stoped working, and an old rancher found him the next day clamped on the ear of one of his young bulls. That man had every right to shoot the dog in my eyes, but being from good ol country stock, he called me gave me a well deserverd toung lashing, heck, I thought he was gonna whoop me with his walker!!, to which I would've taken what was coming to me, but he just caught the bulldog and locked him up in his barn till I came to get him. Dont find people like that anymore....and I worked off the vet bill just so yall know.
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2014, 03:02:28 am »

Heard of a blood dog shot recently. Sucks!!! People don't think now adays!!!


If you cant hang with the big dogs STAY ON THE PORCH.
Catch Dog
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« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2014, 09:56:03 am »

U can thank the yuppies moving to the country. U can also thank irresponsible people that run dogs.

The dog hunter of today has to do everything within his power to keep his dogs on the correct property.

The yuppie needs to understand that dogs are not near as bad as they think.

U have tons of folks moving to the country to enjoy country life that have no idea what it really is. These same people think they own wild animals because they feed them corn. There is as much difference of thinking between new country and born country as a conservative and a liberal. I doubt the days of most folks in the country understanding dogs and dog hunting will ever return. Just think about it. 30 years ago how many country folks ran dogs of some kind. 50 years ago I'm sure there was even more. Our only hope is to figure out how to keep the city slickers in the city .

I understand that's how you feel and I respect that. Either you've had personal experiences to make you feel that way or you're just bias towards "city slickers." Either way, that's your opinion. I'm someone who you'd consider a "city slicker" and I'm going to get a place out in the country to settle down and enjoy a quiet, peaceful life. But I'm coming to the country and looking forward to the country life, not trying to bring the "city slicker" mentality out to the sticks. Just wanted to voice that not everybody who grew up in the city fits your stereotype that you presented to the board. You never know what type of person someone is if all you do is judge them because they didn't grow up in the sticks like you. Can be just as much of a respectful, contributing member of your community as you are. As far as shooting dogs goes, I'd never do that! Even the "city slicker" I am, I'd kennel or chain it up and contact info (if on dog). If there was no info on dog I'd go to feed store,local businesses etc. until I found their owner. Wouldn't stop until I found the rightful owner.

Shotgun wg
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« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2014, 12:58:18 pm »

Country is as much a state of mind as a location. The location of ur birth has little to do with that. I know some fine country folks that are Yankees. I know some city slickers from towns with less than 500 people. See my point.


Catch Dog
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« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2014, 02:52:35 pm »

Yup, I think we see eye to eye shotgun.
Catch Dog
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« Reply #17 on: January 24, 2014, 02:05:44 pm »

I knew guy that got his dog killed chasing a hog n sept and came across ole boy filling his feeders up n shot her 3x's she was just running cross his shooting lane
Strike Dog
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« Reply #18 on: February 04, 2014, 05:27:09 pm »

My c.d got out of her kennel just last month and one of my neighbors shot her and dumped her on the side of the county road.  Burns me up cause nobody is confessing. 

James long
795 CR 101
Hamilton TX 76531
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