Dad and I hit the old stand-by spot. I had paris and a pup. Dad brought chigger and a young dog. I had to break down and by me a new ride the day before...... Honda rancher. . We hunted for a few hours and didn't come up with anything. No hog sign to speak of. We finally got into some hog sign and the old dogs rolled out. We were moving through the thicket and I saw a big hog stand up and I put some lead in her. Turns out it was a big sow 270lbs. I just lunged her and she ran off. My pup took off after and was out about 60 yards baying made my way to her and found the dead sow. The old dogs started baying and I made my way to them. I got there and all four dogs were baying a red boar. The pup was a little unsure but getting in on the action. I had to double tap this hog but he hit the ground the second shot. I took the dogs down to water at an oxbow lake and Paris rolled across....the other dogs followed. The pups came back after a while and then paris and chigger came bayed. I made my way around the lake and they had three hogs bayed in a blow down. Shot a sow about 150 and the rest scattered back across the lake. Chigger caught on the other side but by the time I got there it slipped away. Chigger was hot and dad had him caught up. Paris was bayed on a shoat that broke before I could get a shot. She came in a little later and we called it a day.
New rig
big sow
red boar