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Author Topic: Dogs shot  (Read 4311 times)
Bo Pugh
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« on: April 18, 2014, 10:36:03 pm »

Well it happened to me too. I took three young dogs/pups to some land I own and let them run around where been baiting some hogs at. Well I cast them out and they go to a gravel road and up to a house and we hear about 20 gun shots. So I figure he was just running them off but when I went to get them the first one I get to had been shot clean through the side so I panicked I loaded her and went around there and they was all in the yard when I pulled up and caught my other two after I left their house but I knew I needed to keep calm and not get into trouble myself so I brought all dogs home and tended to them and I called the law to come out and write a report. The man said my three jumped on his house dog and he was trying to kill them he was in his vehicle when I got up there coming up the road from the way the dogs ran so I think he was trying to run them down but one that a one man dog didn't get shot as she probably wasn't up there in his yard but the law said he cannot shoot my dog and they took pics and wrote a report and all that said I could come to station Monday morning so I guess that's where I'll be Monday morning. I was pissed but I didn't need to get locked up as my wife is pregnet and I don't need to be missing any work for a bad temper but I have always said if someone shot my dog I would do whatever but as I go through this I think it's best to try to keep your temper down and not get into trouble your self and from what I was told they take dog shooting pretty serious now. Just wanted to vent a little bit and one of the dogs shot was a female pup about 11 months old that was going to be the real deal later on but she got it in the shoulder and cops said from looking at the bullet wounds enter and exit points the dogs were running away but all dogs are alive as of now vet told me to bring them first thing in the morning
Hog Doom
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« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2014, 10:55:40 pm »

Damn Bo, I hate to hear that.  I hope you can make him pay for that crap.
Bo Pugh
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« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2014, 11:19:28 pm »

It was all un called for I think !he didn't have to shoot my dogs I had a good bit of money invested in them and a lot of time but I would guess they will be crippled now so.  I hate to be a wussy and sign the warrant on him but I think if I don't he will do it again later on to my dogs or someone else's knowing he got away with it and they say it always hurts more to hit a man in the pocket book so I guess we're fixen to see
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« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2014, 11:25:36 pm »

Sorry to hear that man! Takes a big man to have self control and know his priorities. I prolly would've done the same thing. I hope you nail that sucker who's responsible for it!!! I've had dogs stolen and shot in the past and never caught a single one, kills be having to start over but it's part of life. Hope all goes well for you in the future bud.


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« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2014, 07:42:21 am »

Get him for what he did. That wasn't right and I believe he will be doing jail time of they get him. I also think HE should be the one paying vet bills.


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« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2014, 09:19:01 am »

Sorry to hear about that Bo and I also think you should go through with the warrant. Good luck man.
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« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2014, 09:48:32 am »

Sorry to hear about that Bo and I also think you should go through with the warrant. Good luck man.
x2...sorry about your dogs...and you handled it perfectly...now file charges and see it through...the message needs to be that dogs should not be shot just because they crossed a fence..

a friend of mine got one of his dogs killed and we went to court and the judge ruled in their favor...but they were all from around there and we weren't...

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Catch Dog
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« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2014, 09:50:30 am »

Same thing happened to me. I put the guy in jail. I didn't get paid for the shot dog because the guy hadn't worked in 20 years and was living off the government the judge told me they didn't want to mess with the case because the man had no money. I've seen some people come out pretty good though.

Hog Doom
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« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2014, 10:21:26 am »

Very sorry to hear that......such a darn shame.....I can't stand it that people out there will just go straight to shooting up dogs when it's not even warranted (i.e. dogs are not being aggressive, etc.)

I hope your pups pull through, and I hope that man gets justice served to him....will you let us know what happens?

~Krystale of the Southern Comfort Combine~
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« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2014, 11:03:29 am »

Hate to hear that Bo. I hope you can get him. If I remember right there was a story on the board not long ago about a cool dog that was killed and the owner put it on the ol' boy pretty good. He got jail time and had to pay for the dog. It don't matter to me if they can't pay for the animals as long as they can't get anything because they have a lien against them overtime he goes to try and get anything. The more problems you can cause his sorry hide the better! Hope everything and dogs work out for you.
Bo Pugh
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« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2014, 07:01:58 pm »

The dogs are still alive this morning both bullets on both dogs went through but one got it in the shoulder but looks like she will be fine maybe some future problems but atleast both are alive. The man that shot them told me about twenty years ago when we rode the school bus together they shoot every dog that comes in his yard and I have never forgot about it and I don't guess he is a liar he seemed truthful about it yday haha. But he don't have much so I'm not looking to get anything from him I just want other area people and maybe southern state people to know if they shoot a dog they will end up I'm court because I'm going sign the warrant to pick him up I'm pissed about it and want everyone around here to know if they shoot someone's hunting dog it will be consequences if i can make him miss about a week of work and get him locked up maybe for a night or two I'll be happy I will keep everyone updated on the out come of this as it goes on
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« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2014, 08:45:08 pm »

Bo, prosecute his AZZ off. That is a class C felony in the Great State Of Alabama. He will have to pay you for their value AND,, don't let them bargain the charge down. When he is convicted, HE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO OWN FIREARMS , HANDLE AMMUNITION OR GUNS!  Thats a huge hit to a fella like that. 10 yrs ago i had 3 bulldogs shot and killed by a crazy neighbor, i got 8,000$ and he was convicted and is now a felon. I'd rather of had my dogs, but he payed a big price for his borderline insanity.  I'm glad you kept your cool, and sorry you have to deal with this, but bust him so he dont do it again
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« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2014, 08:53:29 pm »

You'll need to get a few affadavits validating the worth of hogdogs trained to the level your wounded dogs were, or what that particular blood line is worth. And whether , i guess, the amount of disability from the gsw. But i bet whatever judgement is awarded, just like child support, they'll cut it out of his check every week
Hog Doom
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« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2014, 09:05:04 pm »

Bo, I am sorry to hear this & hope your dogs pull thru. Now I was never one to call the humane society but in this case I would call them & your local paper & tell them what happened. Once people know you will get all kind of support & police & judicial parties will be more inclined to convict somebody. Hope all goes well with your dogs.

Bayou Cajun Plotts
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« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2014, 06:05:44 pm »

Props to you. It's a shame about your dogs. It's much easier to keyboard commando about what you'll do to the pos that shoot your dog than it is to be a responsive husband, father, dog owner and citizen and let the law take care of it. I hope that guy gets his.

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« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2014, 10:13:55 pm »

So how did the visit with the go this morning?


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« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2014, 09:22:59 am »

It's terrible that you lost your dog . . and it would still be terrible if the dog was a sorry, non-hunting cull. I've hunted all over the country and it always seems like there's a minority of uneducated, country folks around who are convinced that they are allowed by the law to shoot and kill dogs who trespass on their property. It is not ok and we as dog hunters need to get the message out there. Yesterday, while hunting, I heard a gunshot in the obvious direction of a young male dog of mine . . . it turned out to be nothing but that strangled, sick feeling in my gut came back when I read your post. You could have given the message to this one guy through violence or retaliation but by being the bigger man you are now in a position to get the message to thousands. Like Mike Cauley said, HSUS will be happy to help you even though they are anti-hunting. Additionally, websites like this one are also a sort of "confederacy" of dog hunters and owners. I'm sure you could find a number of members here who would be happy to contribute a little time, effort or money to support your attempt to get justice for your dog and change public opinions about the criminal shooting of working dogs. Please keep us updated.


Prey and Bay Dogs
Bo Pugh
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« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2014, 08:51:48 pm »

I did not go sign the warrent Monday because I hear it's another case coming up in the same town I live in where a guy shot a dog with a bow n arrow and I'm going to wait and see what happens in that case. Who knows what the justice system will do. I was told I have one year to sign the warrent. I just want to know if I do sign it and have to take all my vacation days from work to get nothing done it really won't be worth it.  Both dogs are still alive and going to make a full recovery I had them in the bay pen this evening to see what they looked like. And I have another issue. I own land across from this guys house where I leave my tractor and got to thinking about he could sugar my tank or slash my tires and put nails out it's just so much could be done that would cost me more money. If it only cost him 2 grand or so but he ruins my tractor I really come out to the bad end of the deal then any advice from anyone on here would sure be appreciated
Hog Doom
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« Reply #18 on: April 22, 2014, 09:10:12 pm »

I'd put some game cameras out there where you keep your tractor!

~Krystale of the Southern Comfort Combine~
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Bo Pugh
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« Reply #19 on: April 22, 2014, 09:49:55 pm »

I've just learned over the years people that don't have anything or want anything nice usually come out better on stuff like this. This guy don't really have anything to loose maybe a little money but he would prob get it set up to pay like 20$ a month or something. Which I don't have a lot but my dog pens are about 1 mile from his house out by their selves and the place I own  is almost directly across from his driveway so he could keep my tires full nails etc. it's just a lot of ways he could get me than what it would end up costing him. It's just a damn mess is what it is. But I'm glad I have a year before I have to do anything so this should give me a little time to see what happens.
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