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Author Topic: When your a THIEF!!!!  (Read 3256 times)
Strike Dog
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« Reply #20 on: May 06, 2014, 01:17:45 am »

Kids do dumb stuff all the time bad thing is now days when it get on paper it's bad cuz it's all any one sees any more if they would been over 21 I can see the cops getting envolved. But to each his own not defending them just seems like more bad than good jmo I have a soft heart for kids you don't know if they where raised up where that is common place or not

Not starting an argument... Just in my opinion.. Even if they are raised where theft is common, it isn't right & I'd fry em with everything I could.
Strike Dog
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« Reply #21 on: May 06, 2014, 01:18:35 am »

Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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« Reply #22 on: May 06, 2014, 04:42:40 am »

Kids do dumb stuff all the time bad thing is now days when it get on paper it's bad cuz it's all any one sees any more if they would been over 21 I can see the cops getting envolved. But to each his own not defending them just seems like more bad than good jmo I have a soft heart for kids you don't know if they where raised up where that is common place or not

I agree with you...

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sandbank slayer
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« Reply #23 on: May 06, 2014, 07:12:06 am »

Look guys this was a very akward thing for us. We don't call the cops for any reason where I was raised. We handle our own business, how we see fit. Although how things played out, we had no other option. These are some kids we are dealing with, not a grown man. It could have and definitely would have been handled different if it wasn't some dumb kid in high school. Our main objective throughout this ordeal was getting the dogs back and maybe being able to teach some kid a lesson. Whatever way  the lesson was learned  it didn't matter. Jail, community service, Workin for free, whatever it was  that's what we wanted.  Just so everyone is somewhat happy, he is being punished and hopefully he is learning a lesson. We have talked to him and had him explain his self the best he could, he accepts whatever he has comin and understands why.  I don't know for sure, but I don't think he will be stealing or thinkin about stealing when this is all over and it's far from over. Every situation is different and we can say what we would do until it's you in the situation. Hopefully this doesn't happen to anyone else, however I know it will and when it does I hope all you deal with the best way that situation allows you to, that's what we've done.

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b.b.b kennels
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« Reply #24 on: May 06, 2014, 10:19:33 am »

From what I read, sounds like you and your friend handled it as best possible. Lots of folks think about what they would do in a situation like this. When it's your property and basically a member of your family bottom line is get it back. You're dead on about how the main goal was getting your dogs back to you. Don't make a difference if you called the cops, FBI, or National Guard, you did what you could to get your dogs. Very Glad this situation ended up in yalls favor. To hell with what happens to the guy who took em. If he learned a lesson, great, if not someone down the road will probably teach him a little harder. I've had dogs stolen from me before as well, that bravado "go knock down the door" crap wouldn't have done a thing but got someone hurt and someone in jail. Again, Glad your dogs are back where they belong.

say what you want about my family or friends but you leave my dog the hell out of this-F.D.R.
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« Reply #25 on: May 06, 2014, 10:40:20 am »

From what I read, sounds like you and your friend handled it as best possible. Lots of folks think about what they would do in a situation like this. When it's your property and basically a member of your family bottom line is get it back. You're dead on about how the main goal was getting your dogs back to you. Don't make a difference if you called the cops, FBI, or National Guard, you did what you could to get your dogs. Very Glad this situation ended up in yalls favor. To hell with what happens to the guy who took em. If he learned a lesson, great, if not someone down the road will probably teach him a little harder. I've had dogs stolen from me before as well, that bravado "go knock down the door" crap wouldn't have done a thing but got someone hurt and someone in jail. Again, Glad your dogs are back where they belong.

Well said b.b.b, i've only had 1 stolen from me and honestly don't have and probly never will have the slightest clue as to who it was.......but thats beside the point. These fella's handled it correctly in my opinion!

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Judge peel
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« Reply #26 on: May 06, 2014, 11:56:36 am »

Not saying any one is wrong I just wonder if you would done the same if it was your kid or nephew or suck I was raised where you put boot to a$$ on kids that messed up not the law now days this has a bigger repercussion by paper that can't be taken off hope you never get the law called on you when you cross those fences that same hard hand might be standing there 
Hog Doom
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« Reply #27 on: May 06, 2014, 01:16:14 pm »

   lol   I can tell you exactly what all that knocking down doors will get you  , it's called burglarly of a habitation and it carry's a 5 to 99 year sentence and will keep you from ever getting a decent job again or becoming licensed for anything in the state of the union .  and the door owner can't drop the charges because the state will just pick it up and prosecute you anyway  .    our laws and constitution protect the law abiding citizen pretty well , but a thief has more rights than you and I . you can believe that or not , I know first hand  .

hattak at ofi piso

sandbank slayer
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« Reply #28 on: May 06, 2014, 07:53:20 pm »

   lol   I can tell you exactly what all that knocking down doors will get you  , it's called burglarly of a habitation and it carry's a 5 to 99 year sentence and will keep you from ever getting a decent job again or becoming licensed for anything in the state of the union .  and the door owner can't drop the charges because the state will just pick it up and prosecute you anyway  .    our laws and constitution protect the law abiding citizen pretty well , but a thief has more rights than you and I . you can believe that or not , I know first hand  .
Halfbreed I'm still young and know exactly what you mean. Been there done that, nothin good came of it then and I sure didn't see a different outcome if I did it this time. Hence the reason we didn't. Anybody that says different is a damn fool. We handled it the only way we could. I mean what were we supposed to do go and beat up some teenage kid at his ffa class?

If it was easy, we'd all be experts.
Strike Dog
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« Reply #29 on: May 07, 2014, 11:39:25 am »

This isn't like they stole "just" a lead or "just" a hobble.  THey STOLE a dog and I'm sure 99% of the people on this board consider their dogs part of their family.  They needed to have the law called if that's what it took to get them back.  Maybe something like this will help them to realize that every action has a consequence.  If this costs them some jobs along the way, the lesson will stick even more.  I don't wish bad things on anyone but this is a mistake these boys will have to live with and hopefully learn from.  I believe the situation was handled as it should.  Glad you got your dog back.
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