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Author Topic: When your a THIEF!!!!  (Read 3255 times)
sandbank slayer
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« on: May 01, 2014, 08:01:44 am »

Well we would like to thank everyone for lookin. But you can stop. My partner Brent winded his dogs all the to Kennard, tx. Said he knew who took em and that he could smell the way. I'll be damned if he didn't. We got to Kennard and seen ole boys truck up at the school and looked in the back to find my leads and hobbles. Called the sheriff and got them up there. After a buncha lieing from the thief, the police told us we were sol.  We left and made it back to crocket and the boys uncle called and said he had 2 dogs belonging to us. End result is: if y'all want his name pm me. He may have stole more!!!

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« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2014, 08:14:17 am »

Glad you were able to get em back.  Sorry you had to go through that B.S. but atleast it came with a happy ending unlike most of the stolen dogs I read on here. 

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sandbank slayer
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« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2014, 08:17:42 am »

Persistence is the key, we told the and the police we weren't leavin Kennard with out em. Low and behold we didn't

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mdj Hoggers
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« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2014, 09:07:22 am »

Glad you got them back. It takes a pretty low person to steal a mans dog and then when they know there caught lie about it but glad it came back to bite him in the rear

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sandbank slayer
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« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2014, 09:13:59 am »

Glad you got them back. It takes a pretty low person to steal a mans dog and then when they know there caught lie about it but glad it came back to bite him in the rear

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That was the worst part, standing right in front of everybody, he looked at us and swore to god and everything else he had no clue where or who had the dogs. We wanted to strangle his little ass.

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« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2014, 10:38:38 am »

Glad ya'll busted his sorry ass and got your dogs back!

"stupids in the water these days, they're gonna drink it anyway." - Chris Knight
sandbank slayer
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« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2014, 11:04:26 am »

Ya really hope this was a lesson learned. Kinda hate to do that to a couple high school kids, but if the police is all they have to worry about now then they are better off. Kids better be glad we found his empty truck and not him in it with our dogs. I mean Alittle jail, probation and some community service sounds a whole lot better then 2 dudes who've had there fair share of trouble kickin on your gums. If all we accomplished was gettin what was ours back and teachin some punk that you can't steal then I'm satisfied. Anything else that comes from it is secondary to the life lesson that little number 2 learned last night. He knows for sure if you steal from us, then whatever it takes to get it back is what we'll do. And I'm happy to say that after 70 miles of driving and 7hrs of bs, they are home and that's all that mattered to us. Just wanted my partners dogs back. Nothing more, nothin less.

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« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2014, 12:28:59 pm »

Way to not back down from that fight! Glad you got your dogs back.
sandbank slayer
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« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2014, 01:01:38 pm »

Way to not back down from that fight! Glad you got your dogs back.
Not that it was an option but backing down was never a thought. My best friend called and said he knew where they were, and whether or not if I knew for sure, he did and that's enough for me. He was waiting at my house when I got off so we could at the very least go and see for ourselves. Sure glad we did. If he can't wind a dog, then he sure as hell tricked me cause that sucker looked just like an open hound on a hot track all the way there. His nose was on the ground and in the wind. Gotta little open as the track got hot but nothin we couldn't handle. Didn't get a pic of him with the dogs when we got em back, but that sucker was happier than a kid in a candy shop.

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« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2014, 02:20:23 pm »

Ya really hope this was a lesson learned. Kinda hate to do that to a couple high school kids, but if the police is all they have to worry about now then they are better off. Kids better be glad we found his empty truck and not him in it with our dogs. I mean Alittle jail, probation and some community service sounds a whole lot better then 2 dudes who've had there fair share of trouble kickin on your gums. If all we accomplished was gettin what was ours back and teachin some punk that you can't steal then I'm satisfied. Anything else that comes from it is secondary to the life lesson that little number 2 learned last night. He knows for sure if you steal from us, then whatever it takes to get it back is what we'll do. And I'm happy to say that after 70 miles of driving and 7hrs of bs, they are home and that's all that mattered to us. Just wanted my partners dogs back. Nothing more, nothin less.

SCREW THAT, age has nothing to do with this..........they deserved to be throw in jail immediately, F em! they did the crime they should suffer the consequences........... lets not forget that on top of stealing the dogs they trespassed in order to do steal em........... They got off WAY too easy in my opinion, I hope the law does in fact get involved and they have to suffer the consequences.

"stupids in the water these days, they're gonna drink it anyway." - Chris Knight
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« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2014, 04:01:52 pm »

If I remember correctly when you first posted about this incident didn't you say you have game camera pics of them? If so for future reference if this was to happen again (lets hope not) take the photos with you. Tell the officer ok lets go where the dogs are and turn them loose an see who they come to when called by name. Take better photos of you with the dogs and any scars or markings on them as well. Tattoo the inside of their ears with your name or something. I recently helped another deputy with a case like this and the owners had majority of this information to provide to us and when the "owner" called the dog it looked at him like HUH, but when the real owner called by name it ran to them. PHOTOS and VIDEO don't lie(much) and a good officer or somebody who knows what to look for should be able to tell if photos are photoshopped or video is edited unless it is done by a pro.

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« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2014, 04:07:53 pm »

Microchip em, cant fool the scanner
sandbank slayer
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« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2014, 04:30:50 pm »

@Justin believe me, they ain't gettin off. I wanted to do way worse then what the law allows. 2 worst thing in life is a liar and a thief. He did both right in front of us. I've got no pitty for him.

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« Reply #13 on: May 01, 2014, 07:41:30 pm »

a thief is always a liar and most the time a trespasser... glad you got your dog back...

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mdj Hoggers
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« Reply #14 on: May 01, 2014, 09:21:03 pm »

So after he knew he was busted he still lied I would press for every charge you could on him if I were u

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mdj Hoggers
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« Reply #15 on: May 01, 2014, 09:25:43 pm »

I wouldn't know what to do if some one stole my dog I would be at a loss for words and seeing nothing but red for the time I've put in to making my dogs alright and keeping healthy and for so he low life to steel one of them and go catch hogs with the dogs he didn't put the time in with it's just sorry there's a special place for a thief and even worse a liar

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sandbank slayer
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« Reply #16 on: May 01, 2014, 10:21:30 pm »

Ya I mean it's a bad deal all the way around. In the beginning obviously it was only about getting the dogs, however as things progressed we were able to see that if something wasn't done this could end up being a pattern for this kid. I'm sure most if not all have done something very stupid in life. I'm no saint by a long shot, I also think most would agree if the 1st time you did something stupid you were taught a lesson, the road may have been easier. I don't feel sorry for him, he made a mistake and needs to pay for it. We plan on making that happen in more ways than 1. Although I will say the kid did muster up the nerve today and called Brent. Brent had him explain exactly why, when, who, and how he done it. Obviously he apologized, but mostly I hope he listened. Hopefully he learned something worth remembering tomorrow. On the brighter side I may have a "Dog Winding Machine" for lease. This pooch found a hot track and winded 2.dogs, 2.leads, and a couple pair of hobbles from 70 miles out. Just let me know if your interested.

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mdj Hoggers
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« Reply #17 on: May 02, 2014, 11:06:49 am »

Well maybe he will learn his lesson glad y'all got your stuff back and it's good that he called I would lose a little bit of rage after talking to him about it

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« Reply #18 on: May 04, 2014, 11:06:11 am »

Woulda been hard for me to not solve that one myself. Glad you got em back.
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« Reply #19 on: May 05, 2014, 12:02:26 pm »

Kids do dumb stuff all the time bad thing is now days when it get on paper it's bad cuz it's all any one sees any more if they would been over 21 I can see the cops getting envolved. But to each his own not defending them just seems like more bad than good jmo I have a soft heart for kids you don't know if they where raised up where that is common place or not
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