sandbank slayer
« on: May 13, 2014, 12:12:29 pm » |
Got some friends who bought 2 pups that are Chevy/Camelot bred. I know there is controversy concerning "Chevy". I've heard he actually came from 2 black nose dogs "whopper" the sire I've also heard wasn't pure. Is it true that Mr. Eddington got permission to introduce mastiff and Boudreaux into his line for the size and bigger bone structure?
If it was easy, we'd all be experts.
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2014, 03:16:25 pm » |
Whopper was off a Dogge du Bordeaux over an APBT and there was not permission to introduce this into APBT's. It was a scam to get bigger dogs for winning the most wt. pulled trophy at ADBA wt pulls. At the time this happened no one challenged it until it was impossible to get DNA samples. At this point in time the Bordeaux is not very evident except that they are bigger. The Camelot dogs tend to be bigger also. Some are pretty squatty but some have pretty good leg under them. Edgar did not do the breeding on Whopper, but took Whopper so he had a shot at the MW Pulled trophies. He had nothing but smaller pull dogs up to that point. Heck he won Nationals with a 3 legged dog once!
sandbank slayer
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2014, 04:01:11 pm » |
What about Chevy's dam, I mean if Chevy came from 2 black nosed dogs, what's the deal with all of the red red nose dogs and that line? Is it just a bunch of weight pull dogs now?
If it was easy, we'd all be experts.
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2014, 04:58:13 pm » |
That's all those dogs were bred for was wt. pull for years. Camelot was just bred for size for a long time. As far as 2 blacknose producing a red nose, it happens all the time. If both parents are carrying the rednose gene, they can make rednoses. If your buddy is gonna try make catchdogs out of them he may very well get some good ones. They don't have to be some fancy ped. dog to make a good catchdog.
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2014, 05:17:25 pm » |
Whopper was off a Dogge du Bordeaux over an APBT and there was not permission to introduce this into APBT's. It was a scam to get bigger dogs for winning the most wt. pulled trophy at ADBA wt pulls. At the time this happened no one challenged it until it was impossible to get DNA samples. At this point in time the Bordeaux is not very evident except that they are bigger. The Camelot dogs tend to be bigger also. Some are pretty squatty but some have pretty good leg under them. Edgar did not do the breeding on Whopper, but took Whopper so he had a shot at the MW Pulled trophies. He had nothing but smaller pull dogs up to that point. Heck he won Nationals with a 3 legged dog once!
Well said.
~Krystale of the Southern Comfort Combine~*Proud member of the Mississippi Hunting Dog Association* ADBA Safe Dog Program Evaluator and Trainer
sandbank slayer
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2014, 08:28:55 pm » |
He don't even hunt. He only wanted a papered dog that sounds Kool when you say you have it. I tryed pointing him in a different direction than the 1 he chose. He wanted an awesome red nose dog. As for 2 black nose dogs producing red nose pups, I should have worded it alittle different. I have black nose dogs producing red nose pups currently at my house. I wondered how it is these people advertise that they've been breeding red nose dogs for generations when the foundation of their yard is a dog that had mix breed parents? And as wayoutwest says the breeder of this dog was in question at some point for even breeding the pair that he did. Just don't understand the logic of how they get "generations".
If it was easy, we'd all be experts.
Shotgun wg
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2014, 08:39:47 pm » |
It's real easy. The ones that know don't buy the other 100 that want a "cool sounding dog" don't care. They sell pups and could care less if the one that knows doesn't buy. In my opinion ur buddy has no Buisiness with a bull dog for the reason u said he wanted one.
Shotgun Arkansas
sandbank slayer
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2014, 08:47:09 pm » |
It's real easy. The ones that know don't buy the other 100 that want a "cool sounding dog" don't care. They sell pups and could care less if the one that knows doesn't buy. In my opinion ur buddy has no Buisiness with a bull dog for the reason u said he wanted one.
Shotgun Arkansas
No disagreement there, I mean he takes care of the dogs he has. Not thinking there will be a dog in the wrong hands type thing. He has owned bulldogs in the past. This was more so, him having some money at the time and place and someone said Chevy/Camelot in a manner that hooked him. He owns a bulldog as a house pet something that runs around the yard and rides in the truck on Saturday when you run around town. Don't think there's anything wrong with that. I just wanted to know what he was getting.
If it was easy, we'd all be experts.
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2014, 10:48:30 pm » |
He's getting a dog that is somewhat safer around other dogs than a well bred sporting dog. Plus he gets a dog he can drop a name on to someone who don't know schat and impress them. I wouldn't give 2 cents for one but I'm not feeding them so he can do what he wants. I've been around a bunch of those big pullin dogs and most of them are not much good for anything else. Most of the Whopper/Chevy dogs were very shy and had there tails tucked during the whole pull. Omar Ross brought one of his 100# Dagger dogs to T-dogs and it run from a hog. Could not get it to get after it.
sandbank slayer
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2014, 08:05:52 am » |
He's getting a dog that is somewhat safer around other dogs than a well bred sporting dog. Plus he gets a dog he can drop a name on to someone who don't know schat and impress them. I wouldn't give 2 cents for one but I'm not feeding them so he can do what he wants. I've been around a bunch of those big pullin dogs and most of them are not much good for anything else. Most of the Whopper/Chevy dogs were very shy and had there tails tucked during the whole pull. Omar Ross brought one of his 100# Dagger dogs to T-dogs and it run from a hog. Could not get it to get after it.
Thanks I did some lookin last knight and found some good information on the dogs. Me and buddy have established that we are clearly on a different page when it comes to bulldogs. I agree with you 100%, you couldn't pay me to own 1 of those dogs from either line. I'm completely satisfied with what I've got in the back yard. Ain't nothin with a big name on some Kool piece of paper, but they catch hard, have a good handle, and for the most part they even look good doin it. Thanks for the information guys and gals. But I'll definitely have to tell him the story of that 100# dog runnin from a hog.
If it was easy, we'd all be experts.
He's getting a dog that is somewhat safer around other dogs than a well bred sporting dog. Plus he gets a dog he can drop a name on to someone who don't know schat and impress them. I wouldn't give 2 cents for one but I'm not feeding them so he can do what he wants. I've been around a bunch of those big pullin dogs and most of them are not much good for anything else. Most of the Whopper/Chevy dogs were very shy and had there tails tucked during the whole pull. Omar Ross brought one of his 100# Dagger dogs to T-dogs and it run from a hog. Could not get it to get after it.
Couldn't have said it better
#Do Work