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Author Topic: TDHA  (Read 1599 times)
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Confetti Catahoulas

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« on: September 08, 2009, 09:28:13 am »

Folks i am sad to say that i read about the membership  numbers and its a shame theres over a 1000 folks here and  just over
 300 paid members with the TDHA
  i challange you non members to read about the wars that the TDHA TEAM has won for us already and then not join
then dont cry  when you cant own your dogs or told how many dogs you can have or better yer told you cant hunt with your dogs
at all
 ill get off my soap box
 that my .02

Confetti Catahoulas
Skip A Rope Catahoulas
skip_a_rope_catahoulas@yahoo.com  confetti_catahoulas@yahoo.com
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« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2009, 09:48:04 am »

I could'nt agree more! I'm in Oklahoma and I'm a proud member of the TDHA! Folks it's time to unite if we won't to keep our dog hunting heritage and rights. If your not supporting the people trying to help us keep our heritage and you like to hunt with dogs/work cattle with dogs you need to think about it real hard. The groups that are against us using dog's for hunting/work are growing in numbers and money dailey.

Fear is only a word in the mind of the weak!
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« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2009, 01:04:13 pm »

I have been fortunate enough to meet most of TDHA's board members. Each one of them had passion for dogs and hunting. It was evident by their dedication to their sport and their efforts to preserve and protect the priviledge of hunting with dogs.  Seeing that a lot of hog doggers hunt with their families I am realizing what a legacy all hunters can leave behind them.

Our actions speak louder than words. I joined TDHA to protect my rights as a hunter and to pass these rights to my five children who are just startin out.

TDHA has a booth at TNT's bayfest for membership for you to join and help preserve the rights that TDHA preserves.
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2009, 01:47:30 pm »

Guys and Gals you have got to join!My girlfriend just got her membership at the last baying along with a cool wildboar USA pink camo shirt!She rarely hunts with me but reads post and has dealt with some people giving me flack and understands the importance.Its as easy as 25 dollars and place that sticker proud!

"it's not the dying im afraid of.....it's the living"
-lonesome dove
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« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2009, 02:04:25 pm »

the problem is the redneck, "they cant make me stop" or "its my own land" or "i would like to see em try and make me" attitude
there are way to many that believe this will never happen in Texas or that it will not happen in thier life time, those people are being selfish and not thinking about thier kids

Why should I spend $25 a month they will fight anyway without my money?
I dont know how my money will be used.
Oh they just say that so they can line thier pockets with cash.

These are all comments I have heard.........................and honestly you just show your ignorance when you make those kind of statements.
The animal rights people dump $1000s into the fight on thier side and we cant even get $25.
At 2.50 a gal for gas if you just skiped one hunt in a year that would pay the membership fee, what would be better; miss one hunt a year or have dog hunting outlawed altogether. I for one wouldnt mind if I missed 10 hunts a year if it helped keep our rights to dog hunt.

But its not just the dog people we need to be talking to, its the land owners, the first timers we take, the paid clients, any and everyone we know that has ever gone hunting with dogs or that may go with dogs. I now have TDHA on my cards and everyone that talks hunting of any kind with me hears about the TDHA.

Strike Dog
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« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2009, 02:14:21 pm »

its only 25.00 dollars not 250.00
theres no reason why everone should not join.
maybe there should be a new rule to chat,sale, or brag here join the TDHA or go some where else.
not my sight just my .02
Circle C
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« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2009, 02:29:41 pm »

Why should I spend $25 a month they will fight anyway without my money?
I dont know how my money will be used.

It should only be $25.00 per year.

I still think the single largest issue that TDHA has in gaining membership is lack of awareness.  I have only been a member since 2007, which happens to be the first time I became aware of the TDHA.  

 I don't have any numbers to compare with hog doggers, but I can make an analogy with gun owners/NRA members.

There is only about 8% NRA membership among gun owners. (52 million gun owning households, NRA ~4 millions members)

Now how many hog doggers are there that have heard about TDHA?   If only 8% of ETHD members sign up for TDHA that would only be 102 members.

If the TDHA had been able to reach out to Texas dog hunters of all type over the years, then I think you would see a larger membership base...  It looks like there are current efforts to involve dog hunting other than just hog dogging, but the reality is the past several years, it might as well have been called the Texas hog doggers association, as that is who has supported TDHA.    As the membership base broadens, so will the awareness, and membership will continue to grow.

   In the meantime, I don't think people can be shamed into joining.  They have to want to join for their own reasons...be they fighting legislation, the legal fund, the scholarship fund, etc...

Never get too busy making a living that you forget to make a life.
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Confetti Catahoulas

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« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2009, 02:44:04 pm »

 its like this the people that we are fighting probally never had thier hands on a gun afishing pole muchless hunted with dogs
if someone ask you about our sports.. take out with you and educate them let them shoot a gun, cast a fishing pole,stick a hog..
take them out to see a coastal field thats been rooted to hello and back , show them a farmers corn,maize or wheat  patch that looks
like  the air force just made a bombing run
 education will end a lot of the ignorance of our sports and our heritage ,, show how much your dogs mean to you and how much you love them
 30% are fighting for all our rights while 60% bitch and moan saying what can we do....well i will say thiis and it might ruffle someones tail feathers.. are you going to be part of the percentage that does something or be apart of the  bunch that just bitch and do nothing
 and somemore of my .02

Confetti Catahoulas
Skip A Rope Catahoulas
skip_a_rope_catahoulas@yahoo.com  confetti_catahoulas@yahoo.com
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« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2009, 08:27:31 pm »

I think Circle C hit the nail on the head about awareness. I didnt know anything about the TDHA until I joined the ETHD.
Strike Dog
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« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2009, 09:09:39 pm »

it cost about the same as a case of beer ;half a tank of gas; bag of dog food; cut collar for the dog u love to hunt; a maglite flashlight; the ice chest you put your cold drinks and a cleaned hog in; a pair of wranglers; long sleeve button up shirt to run through the briars;if you smoke cigs at a pack a day thats about 4 days worth;2 8 n 1 shots from the vet 4 your dog once again; the knife you use to kill and clean the hogs;
Everybody that hunts has are uses all the items i just mentioned most of which can be purchased for about 25 dollars a piece.

most of the people that dont join probably grip about who our president is but DID NOT vote
they will grip when the laws change the sport we all love but at least they have what they need to hunt illegally then

i know i should be hurtin but im smilin ear to ear
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« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2009, 09:20:11 pm »

Hey just joined and have one question I paid over the net and it ended up useing paypal.  Paypal is an open supporter of anti hunting and anti gun.  Just a thaught and there may not be anything else out there.
Hog Catching Machine
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« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2009, 10:19:13 pm »

I'm the only one in my family thats a member of this board, but my wife, brother and his girlfriend enjoy reading the threads with me and I've got all three coming to Bremond with me on the 19th and they are all payin their dues there, that makes 3 more. We should try and get at least 75% of the members here and that go to the bayings to be members. Maybe we should all put our heads together and come up with a way to promote more members, maybe a members only hunt, bayin, auction, dog show, somethin to help promote. 25 bucks a year is pocket change considering all the TDHA does, they help us thats the least we can do is become members to show our individual support. Heck I spend more than that on snuff in 2 weeks, just dipped a lil less and it was easy Grin. Just my 2 cents......Alan

"pain is just fear leavin the body"
TDHA member/TLGDA supporter
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Victor Dealer/Promoter
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« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2009, 11:02:54 pm »

What do you get for your $25?



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Hog Catching Machine
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« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2009, 11:09:48 pm »

If that don't answer the question I don't know what will, perfect addition to the post Eric, 25 bucks a year isn't enough for me to ask questions about personally, knowing that it goes to benefit the dog hunters, which is something we all share on this board.

"pain is just fear leavin the body"
TDHA member/TLGDA supporter
"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." - Will Rogers
Victor Dealer/Promoter
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« Reply #14 on: September 09, 2009, 09:00:49 am »

There is State and Federal bills going to be introduced again to outlaw hunting.

When dog hunters post up pictures of cut up dogs and brag about how many they got killed then this will be used to help stop hunting because it's putting the dogs in danger.

All dog hunters need to have a well kept kennel.
Protect all their dogs and give proper care when needed.
Transport dogs in a safe manner at all times.

Every one reads these board and looks at the pictures you post up and the most damageing thing right now is You Tube, you can always find a bunch of dogs caught on a hog if look hard enough, anti's show it as a fight and not as a hunting sport, watch what you post up for them.

I have been a active member of Texas Dog Hunters Assoc. for over 6 years, going to Austin and talking with leaders in Washington, what they see and are told about most are the bad things that go on in the dog hunting world.
1- We have no respect for the property owner and property lines.
2-We have training pens where we fight dogs and hogs.
3-We are out drinking and fireing guns.
3-We drive through town with hurt dogs on top of trucks with dead hogs laying every where.
4-One bad report out weights all the good that most of us try to put out there.

Wise up be respectible, work with property owners, support the Game Warren, show youth how to be a good dog owner and hunter.

As few people across Texas has been a shinning light for the Dog hunting world be being involved with Texas Dogs Hunting Association. We have dog owners from all types of Dog Hunting, coon, birds, tracking, and hogs.
Most of the ones repersenting TDHA are well known and respected, what ever we do for the dog world effects all dog owners and all benifit but not all dog owners will stand up and support.

Do what's right and you still have rights that are trying to be taken away because one person is doing things to put a black eye on the sport of hunting with dogs.

There are citys, here in Texas, that tell you haw many dogs you can have, what kind of dogs you can have, if you have to fix your dogs or pay for a permit not to have them fixed, how you can kennel your dogs, and they are trying to take away the hunting of all dogs.

The Countless hours and miles that some have put in to show a postive light on the hunting world has been dimed by a few that could care less about any one but them self and their actions show that.

Protect and Preserve the right to hunt with dogs began at home in what each of us do.

Douglas Mason
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« Reply #15 on: September 09, 2009, 10:17:08 am »

YES!!!! Thank you Mr Mason we are doing this to our own sport.....................then wonder why.

Black Gold
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« Reply #16 on: September 09, 2009, 01:23:35 pm »

I look at it from this standpoint:

I want to be able to take my kids and grandkids out and have them experience hunting  dogs the same way I have been able to.

The best way to help insure that is possible is by joining TDHA.

To not do so is just plain selfish!

CODY WEISER - WWT Founder & Official Scorer - T.D.H.A. Advisor
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