There is State and Federal bills going to be introduced again to outlaw hunting.
When dog hunters post up pictures of cut up dogs and brag about how many they got killed then this will be used to help stop hunting because it's putting the dogs in danger.
All dog hunters need to have a well kept kennel.
Protect all their dogs and give proper care when needed.
Transport dogs in a safe manner at all times.
Every one reads these board and looks at the pictures you post up and the most damageing thing right now is You Tube, you can always find a bunch of dogs caught on a hog if look hard enough, anti's show it as a fight and not as a hunting sport, watch what you post up for them.
I have been a active member of Texas Dog Hunters Assoc. for over 6 years, going to Austin and talking with leaders in Washington, what they see and are told about most are the bad things that go on in the dog hunting world.
1- We have no respect for the property owner and property lines.
2-We have training pens where we fight dogs and hogs.
3-We are out drinking and fireing guns.
3-We drive through town with hurt dogs on top of trucks with dead hogs laying every where.
4-One bad report out weights all the good that most of us try to put out there.
Wise up be respectible, work with property owners, support the Game Warren, show youth how to be a good dog owner and hunter.
As few people across Texas has been a shinning light for the Dog hunting world be being involved with Texas Dogs Hunting Association. We have dog owners from all types of Dog Hunting, coon, birds, tracking, and hogs.
Most of the ones repersenting TDHA are well known and respected, what ever we do for the dog world effects all dog owners and all benifit but not all dog owners will stand up and support.
Do what's right and you still have rights that are trying to be taken away because one person is doing things to put a black eye on the sport of hunting with dogs.
There are citys, here in Texas, that tell you haw many dogs you can have, what kind of dogs you can have, if you have to fix your dogs or pay for a permit not to have them fixed, how you can kennel your dogs, and they are trying to take away the hunting of all dogs.
The Countless hours and miles that some have put in to show a postive light on the hunting world has been dimed by a few that could care less about any one but them self and their actions show that.
Protect and Preserve the right to hunt with dogs began at home in what each of us do.