Have 3 registered coon hounds that I will make a package deal on if anyone is interested.
Both of these dogs will find coons together or by them self. I am asking
$500 for them together.
- 7.5 yr old female treeing walker. UKC registered. Sackett bred. Has lots of grand nite champ
in her blood line. will find coons all night long. a little rough. will stay treed.
d.o.b. 03/07/2002

- 10 yr old male treeing walker. UKC registered. Lipper bred. Also has lots of grand nite champ
in his line. will find coons. will stay treed.
d.o.b. 08/03/1999

- 2.5 yr old blue tick female. UKC registered. Rambo bred. Lots of good dogs in blood lines.
will stay with the other two dogs and tree. She is started on coons.
Located outside of hamilton,tx.
post or call 254-784-3087
willing to negotiate