Update as requested... it's not spot on but you'll get a good estimate. The build was off the hip for the most part. We had plans we started with then just ran with it. The kennels are 12'6" x 25'. Each kennel is 5' x 12'6", and 4 of the 5 have a 4' deck in the back of the kennel a foot off the ground. I should have done them a foot and a half high for easier cleaning.
Using all treated lumbar:
(18 ) 10' 4x4 posts
(40-50) 16' 2x4s
(10-12) 16' x 5' 2x4 horse panel
(13-15) 16' 1x6 deck boards
(3) 8'x4' 3/4" plywood sheets
(12-14) 12'6" long R panel metal roofing sheets
15 hinges
5 gate latches
Nails and screws
The fifth kennel has the whelping box in it. Lid lifts up for access to the pups. That's what the plywood was used for. Also bought laquor to seal it off from nastyness.
In total I think I dropped around $2500 on the whole thing. That doesn't include beer and labor time. Lol

if I would have had to pay for labor it probably would have doubled easily. It wasn't an easy task.