« on: September 26, 2014, 03:16:00 pm » |
Went out for a hunt this morning and took a brought a buddy with me. Cast the dogs at 6:45am and boy are the woods still flooded! The dogs take off and motor into a big thick palmettoe flat. I know on the other side of the palmettoes there is a oak hammock that leads down to the river, You will have to go through a the palmettoe flat to get to the oaks, and the river is about 300yds from there. Dogs were hunting hard through all the water and palmettoes and were about 500yds from us! Heard the dogs chop a few times in the thick flat, and then nothing! Heard what I thought was a fight and cut Clyde to it! Got through the palmettoes which was 250-300yyds wide and popped out in the oaks and heard a caught hog! Jog to the hog throw and hobble while my buddy gets the dogs off the hog and on to some tree's. Take some pictures and get ready to release the hog!! My buddy has been saying he wants to get more involved in the hunts like and maybe leg one or releasing one! He has been just handling the dogs as of yet! I asked him if he wanted to release this hog and he said hell yeah!! I walk him down a trail where I tell him I would prop the hog up against some trees in some bushes, facing away from the direction he will be running!! Well he decided not to listen and releases the hog on the open trail and try's to get some video!! The hog jumps up and turns on him, and flat runs him over! Lol.... I am at the dogs putting their leads on the tree the right way when I think I hear a struggle and my buddy say my name! I run to Clyde to cut him loose if I need to when I see my buddy jump up all Bug Eyed saying the hog just attached him. Checked him over for any injuries and see he is okay other then his bruised ego!! I laughed my A$$ off!! I asked him what he learned and he said to do what I tell him, and that hogs are a Hell of Alot Faster Then He Thought!! Some adult language, so if you do not want to hear it do not watch it!! Lol..... http://youtu.be/pOOB3wJLNkA?list=UUV-2tt6NXdBzsuGRC8fO8Ww
Judge peel
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2014, 07:55:40 pm » |
Lol that's funny dang rookies I seen stuff like that happen before well at least he didn't do like a buddy of mine going on bout had bad he was and then I found him hiding behind a tree lol
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2014, 08:40:09 pm » |
Ha ha... lucky it wasn't an ol tusky boar!
Jared H.
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2014, 06:33:14 am » |
Lol Turning em loose always makes it interesting. Have had more than a few turn and take a shot at me before they run off. Never let one go without something to climb on though. Good stuff.
Jeremiah 16:16
There our two types of pain: The temporary pain of training or the permenant pain of failure. Choose wisely...
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2014, 04:21:13 pm » |
Yes it was some funny stuff!! Do not know if he pissed himself, but when a came over to him, I asked if he number 2 himself because it smelled by where he was, but he showed me where she crapped out a big one!! Lol... Humbled him some, and taught him alittle respect, even if it was a sow!! Guarantee he will pay more attention the next time he has to release one!!
Florida Curdog
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2014, 03:21:51 pm » |
That was great lol
Smiling like a killer