I haven't been on here in a while. Seems I never have time between working and dogs and the few times I do I don't even see anyone on here I know.
But I went on a hunt a week ago that was....interesting....and thought I would share it with the few guys I do know on here. I had posted something a couple weeks ago, but the post was deleted, not sure why.
Anyway, last Sunday (Nov
I loaded my two old wore out dogs Monkey (10 1/2) and Spur (9) and went to my lease. I normally hunt by myself anymore which can be a good thing and a bad thing...just depends on the hunt. This hunt I wish I had a couple of strong backed helpers with me.
My lease is 29,000 acres of rough woods. Timber has been cut a lot and cut overs have grown up thick as hair on a dogs back. No pasture hunting here! I has run a hog with Monkey the week before in an area for over 5 miles on the Garmin but he never got it stopped. He just isn't as fast as he used to be. But neither am I ! I saw the track where it crossed a dim road and it looked to be a sure enough good hog. So I went back to the same area and put both Monkey and Spur out together, something I rarely do anymore. Seems every time I do they get wrecked. But it usually produces a good hog.
I let them out of the box on the 4 wheeler and started down the same dim trail Monkey had struck the hog the week before. They went ahead, Monkey went off one side of the road and Spur on the other. They were each out 250-300 yards on the Garmin and just working around. It was real thick and they were looking for a hog I could tell. I could see they were making loops but the two dogs weren't together. Now this was about 2 PM after the deer hounds had been all through the place so I figured any hogs were either squatted tight or had left the area. I should mention I left my backpack, phone, extra leashes, etc on the 4 wheeler. I am always afraid of losing my phone in the woods . My dogs had been out for about 30-40 minutes when I saw Monkey line out on the Garmin. He is 110% silent so if not for the Garmin I wouldn't know what he was doing. At about 600 yards out I heard him bay. Looked at the Garmin and Spur was bee lining to him. I thought...I hope I hear a squeal when they get together. Well, when Spur got there I heard both dogs baying, which means a good hog with these two dogs, even as old as they are.
I hurried as best I could trying to get there. Both dogs were baying their hearts out and i love to hear these two bay together. Monkey is Spur's sire and they sound similar. But when the two are baying together it's like they try and see who can bay the loudest. Sure sounded pretty on a cool afternoon in the thick woods. As I got close I heard the hog run the dogs. Sounded like a good hog as he was breaking things down running the dogs. I eased in and could see yellow (the dogs) but couldn't see the hog as it was so thick. Both dogs were baying every breath. I tried to ease in a little closer and the hog ran the dogs. Good lord what a hog! And teeth everywhere! No catch dog, by myself and this is the best hog I have been on in years! He stops with his head behind a cabbage palm so I pull my pistol (.44 magnum) and shoot him right behind the shoulder. He was angling a little away from me so I figured the shot would angle right into his boiler room. It's about a 10-15 yard shot, it should be lights out!
Well, he fell at the shot, the dogs piled on him, I ran in to grab a leg to keep him down until he died (as he had some terrible teeth) and just as I got to him...he jumped up! He saw me, slung the dogs off and here he comes! I had holstered the pistol (so I could grab a leg ) so I ran around a tree....he chased me around that tree, I grabbed another one and went around it, and so did he! He was still after me but Monkey had him by the rear and and the hog was dragging Monkey chasing me! Spur finally grabbed him too and that pissed him off enough he spun around and got after the dogs. He slung Monkey pretty good and then the hog broke and ran.
The dogs were on him like white on rice, pulling hair and fighting him for about 200 yards. Then they get him stopped and bay again. I hurry as fast as I can, having to crawl in places, and just about the time i get close enough to see the bushes moving the hog breaks again. It's a running fight for about 100 yards and they bay again. I hurry to get there and just as I get close, the hog breaks. This goes on for like 40 minutes. This hog acts like he isn't hurt at all. They must have stopped him 8-10 times in 40 minutes and I have yet to see the hog other than the first time. Finally they bay and its a REAL thick spot. I ease in from the downwind side being as quiet as I can. The hog runs the dogs and I see a shot. I shoot him behind the shoulder again as I can't see his head. This is from like 20 feet away. The shot knocks the hog down, he bounces up and breaks!
The dogs are right on him and stop him pretty quick. I ease in and he runs the dogs again, knocking down trees as big around as my arm. I see the hog and can see his head this time. The dogs are right in his face so I have to be careful shooting. I aim right below his ear and shoot. He drops like he was hit with a sledgehammer. The dogs pile on him, I run in (or actually crawl in) and the hog gets up again !!!
I had kept the pistol out this time and shot him right in the face as he turned to me. Down he went, this time for good! Thank God! I was out of bullets and the box of shells was on the 4 wheeler in my backpack.....with my phone!
Only then do I get a good look at this hog. It's a barr hog, left ear cropped, tail bobbed and LOTS of teeth! It's starting to get dark, I am a long ways from my 4 wheeler and miles from my truck. it's Sunday night, I am almost two hours from home and have to work the next day. So I tie some mule tape around his mouth behind his teeth, snap a lead to that and pull. And pull....and the hog doesn't move. Monkey is hurt, won't even put his right rear leg on the ground, but is steadily chewing on the hog. I don't have my phone to call anyone for help(or take pics) so I head to the 4 wheeler. Glad I had the Garmin because I didn't know where I was or where the scooter was. Spur follows me out, Monkey stays with the hog. i keep calling him and after I am about 300 yards away he starts coming to me on the Garmin. I get to the scooter, load Spur and wait on Monkey. It's about 5:30, maybe 30 minutes of daylight left. Monkey finally limps out and I load him. Jump on the 4 wheeler trying to find a way closer to the hog. I see a guy standing next to his Polaris ranger so I stop. They are trying to catch their last few deer hounds out. I explain what happened and he said they would help me get the hog out. He told me this as he was fixing himself another mixed drink.....
His two buddies show up and we drive around.....and around...trying to get closer to the hog. Close as we can get the 4 wheeler is 580 yards. I had told them they could have the hog I just wanted a couple pics first. When they realized it was dark...and we had a 580 yard drag....they looked at me and said " we don't want him that bad! Goodnight."