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Author Topic: Dogo Argentino Pricing  (Read 7333 times)
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #20 on: December 22, 2014, 09:08:10 pm »

I don't know if he does but the AKC doesn't recognize those breeds.
You are correct with the exception of the Plott. Just wondering what his definition of recognized was. I believe all of the breeds I mentioned are "registered" by UKC, NKC, or others
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #21 on: December 22, 2014, 10:28:34 pm »

Yeah I know, my step dad has had dogos for 15 years and his were registered so I'm pretty familiar with the breed too lol

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the more i learn about people the more i love my dog - Mark Twain
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #22 on: December 23, 2014, 05:18:42 am »

I think it's just the fad and people band wagon on to it. I believe the high price is due to the internet and new comers to the sport. Like was stated above it's all about supply and demand on top if marketing. If people are so stupid to jump out and pay that for a pup then I see why the prices are so high. Just like the wright bred curs being so high before there was supply and demand there was dang good marketing by whom ever. I've never been just shellshocked by either. If some one were to show up to the NFR next yr and win the all around on a painted Appaloosa unicorn then the following yr there would be a big demand for them. It's all about saying oooohhh I got this and I had to give this for it I know it's going to be a good dog. As far as keeping the riff raff out, I don't see it because if some joe blow scrimps and saves to buy a 2500$ pup do you honestly think their going to put it down if it doesn't do anything. No, their going to breed that sucker and try to recoup some of their money thus in return throwing more junk in the gene pools. Do I believe there are good dogos out there? Absolutely, and I also believe there are good honest breeders out there to. I just haven't figured out why some folks want to re invent the wheel, but to each his own.
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« Reply #23 on: December 23, 2014, 08:42:17 am »

Of course its your personal experience but this is surprising "A good well bred dogo can out perform most pits and bulldogs."
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« Reply #24 on: December 23, 2014, 09:50:55 am »

I'd be willing to bet most of the folks actually hunting their dogos didn't pay those prices for them.  If you have a yard full of dogs you've paid $1k+ for that your hunting knowing chances are strong they will eventually get killed then you have more money than sense.

There's show breeders, and working breeders and most of the time they don't intermingle.

I have several American Bulldogs on my yard all of which were given to me as pups at some point in time by fellow hunters who were more interested in seeing the results of their breedings than how the dogs would perform in a show ring.  I'm talking dogs who based on pedigrees alone would fetch top dollar.  There are a few breeders of all types of dogs out there whose primary focus isn't money just have to find them.

I find it really hard to blame a seller for what I feel like are unreasonable prices, when there are buyers happy to pay it.   Some of you would probably hit the floor if you knew what it actually cost Yeti to build a cooler....but sales are strong.

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Boar Slayer
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« Reply #25 on: December 23, 2014, 10:53:39 pm »

Dogos are priced high because a lot goes into breeding them. Such as Baer testing and hip testing ect.... I say keep the price high so not every back yard breeder can get their hands on them. If you want a cheap dogo you can find them. I've had the breed my whole life but the last two years I have become very involved with the breed, I have taken in so much knowledge from great breeders. And even a few people in this site who use them. The dogo shouldn't just be a catch dog. It should be a dog who can find and hold any size hog until you get to it. The dogo have the size to help control the hog and the stamina and lung capacity to stay in the game. For those who don't believe the dogs are used in puma contact actual breeders in Argentina, they will show you videos of the dogs in full combat with puma with all their claws and teeth.  Don't compare a dogo to a pit because they are two very different dogs. Compare a well bred dogo to a very gritty rough cur dog. And to those of you who say dogos are pretty white show dogs, you should know that a lot of dogo owners/ breeders hate breeders who solely breed for show only. Some of us are very passionate about the breed and have done years upon years of research on them and only seek to better this breed and help it not become the next back yard pitbull.
Bo Pugh
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« Reply #26 on: December 26, 2014, 12:21:42 am »

It's a old saying " you pay for what you get" I don't think that's the case with a dogo. I think a lot of people like said in above post use it as a status symbol and like to tell people " I got a dogo". Most I have seen have been some regripping knawing all over a hog type dog and don't get me wrong I've seen Bulldogs do it to. But it's a lot easier to raise a bulldog up and cull it when you only got 200-400$ in it than raise a dogo and decide it should of been culled when you got 2000$ in it. The price probably won't ever come down because I don't think they will ever flood the market it's not that many people that want them. its no type of dog going to ever replace the Pitt bull as a catch dog, when it comes down to dying or letting go I feel like the dogo will let go but most decent Pitts won't ever have a second thought, and that's the kind I want not one that's going to be thinking about it
Gun Bullety
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« Reply #27 on: December 26, 2014, 04:57:28 am »

With hunting dogs, pups especially, the more you pay the worse the dog. It indicates the breeder is breeding to make money, that's their motivation. Exotic pure breeds with a reputation that precedes them are the worst of all, the dogo a perfect example. Such breeds draw in snake oil salesmen like fat kids to cake, and they start breeding "dogo argentinos" to sell "dogo argentinos". Maybe some hunters incidentally breed pure dogos, idk, but if you seek out a dogo argentino you will stumble into one of the former "dogo argentino breeders" 999 times out of 1000, and get a pretty dog that can stand there and "be a dogo argentino" but do little else. Maybe be a lead in catch dog just because it's such a simple job that nearly any big headed dog can do.

If you look for hunters, and then grab whatever pup they have on the ground to give away or for 50 bucks or something, most likely it will be a good hunting dog, and not a purebreed anything.
Strike Dog
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« Reply #28 on: December 27, 2014, 12:32:18 pm »

We hunt dogo's and they are stronger and faster and bigger than Bulldogs. we also have pits. They still catch hogs. The best way to get your money back is sell them at a reasonable price and breed great hog dogs. I love my dogo. Not gonna try to talk you into one if you don't see the appeal but the breed is fascinating and that's originally what got me enamored with the breed. Then I hunted with one that hit and held like a Mack truck. So we decided to try one and loved it.
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« Reply #29 on: December 27, 2014, 01:13:35 pm »

We hunt dogo's and they are stronger and faster and bigger than Bulldogs. we also have pits. They still catch hogs. The best way to get your money back is sell them at a reasonable price and breed great hog dogs. I love my dogo. Not gonna try to talk you into one if you don't see the appeal but the breed is fascinating and that's originally what got me enamored with the breed. Then I hunted with one that hit and held like a Mack truck. So we decided to try one and loved it.

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the more i learn about people the more i love my dog - Mark Twain
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #30 on: December 27, 2014, 03:23:01 pm »

I payed 1500. For my male. He is out of one of only 4 grand world champions. After 3 breedings from dam he is the only one that hunts.  Im happy with him. Hes everything ive trained/allowed him to be.. he has more potental than I have to offer him. Ive been around a few DOGOs and I feel he is a least alittle better than most. I just wish more poeple can see him in the woods with a open. A huge plus he is great with my kids. That alone is priceless....

bay, catch, barr, repeat...
Strike Dog
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« Reply #31 on: December 28, 2014, 04:57:46 pm »

We hunt dogo's and they are stronger and faster and bigger than Bulldogs. we also have pits. They still catch hogs. The best way to get your money back is sell them at a reasonable price and breed great hog dogs. I love my dogo. Not gonna try to talk you into one if you don't see the appeal but the breed is fascinating and that's originally what got me enamored with the breed. Then I hunted with one that hit and held like a Mack truck. So we decided to try one and loved it.


Strike Dog
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« Reply #32 on: December 28, 2014, 04:58:31 pm »

I payed 1500. For my male. He is out of one of only 4 grand world champions. After 3 breedings from dam he is the only one that hunts.  Im happy with him. Hes everything ive trained/allowed him to be.. he has more potental than I have to offer him. Ive been around a few DOGOs and I feel he is a least alittle better than most. I just wish more poeple can see him in the woods with a open. A huge plus he is great with my kids. That alone is priceless....

Fixit you need to come down and hunt sometime.

gary fuller
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« Reply #33 on: December 28, 2014, 07:02:02 pm »

do any of you dogo folks know arron bornstein?  he goes by dogodad online . he had the only sch 3 dogo at the time some years back. that dog was also hunted by himself at times too and he was hell when catching also.
Strike Dog
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« Reply #34 on: December 28, 2014, 08:38:45 pm »

do any of you dogo folks know arron bornstein?  he goes by dogodad online . he had the only sch 3 dogo at the time some years back. that dog was also hunted by himself at times too and he was hell when catching also.

Aaron is a good friend of mine. I hunted with both of his dogos at one time and he got both of his from a mutual friend in Argentina. I'm trying to get him to come hunt with us again to get his mind off things due to just losing his wife.

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« Reply #35 on: December 28, 2014, 08:43:52 pm »

In fact Gary he said for you to tell stories about Petey just now LOL.

gary fuller
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« Reply #36 on: December 28, 2014, 08:50:10 pm »

oh hell sj i didnt know. im not sure if i have a current number or even email for him. do you think i could get his contact infor from you. my email is   arron came up here a couple times when he was still in so cal. i cant rmember if we put sampson on hogs here at my place but i know we put he new dog michael on em here . i think he was the one that broke out of his crate in arrons pickup when they drove up my driveway and he saw or smelled the hogs in my pen,lol.. thanks gary
gary fuller
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« Reply #37 on: December 28, 2014, 08:56:56 pm »

lol sj, please tell him i said hi and my sincerest condolencences on his loss.  and as for petey i can sure tell stories lol. petey was an ab i bred and he was the best catchdog on big boars i ever owned or saw on a consistant basis. ill see if i can find the story i wrote on him for the american bulldog review some years back and put it in a post in general disscussion , thanks gary
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« Reply #38 on: December 29, 2014, 01:52:18 pm »

Just my 2 cents, which is about all its worth.  I bought a dogo 4 years ago for $400.  He was not papered but looked exactly like the pictures I had seen.  I was not in the market for one, I just stumbled across this one.  I ended up needing some money and I sold him for $1,200.  He was worth every penny and there is not a day that goes by that i don't think about that dog.  His gas tank never came close to being empty and he found, ran and caught many a hogs.  But most impressive was his ability to work and hold big hogs.  His agility, strength, and size was impressive.  He would stand toe to toe with the big hogs and I kid you not if he was by himself he would latch on the snout of the hog and the hog would not move.  They would be facing each other nose to nose.  He never once got cut and I hunted him for 2 years.
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« Reply #39 on: December 29, 2014, 04:38:11 pm »

Groundskeeper, thats exactly what my female dogo is doing, latching hold of the snout. I would prefer ear only, but it seems she controls the hogs pretty good. I caught 3 yesterday with her n my cowdog. From watching the 2 of them work the hogs, that dang cur would go for what ever part of the hog he could but she would go for snout 99% of the time. And dang she was fast too. Would  catch up to the hog but didnt seem to know how to judge speed bc she flew past them, stopped n turned on a dime n had it caught. I was greatly impressed with her speed n stamina

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