Shotgun wg
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2015, 08:02:00 pm » |
The same weekend there is another meeting for the same reason in Biloxi MS. Several dog hunting association getting together for it as well.
Shotgun Arkansas
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2015, 08:05:14 am » |
Here's the deal though I've tried asking several questions about the one in Biloxi a few times and no one can answer my question, everything just seems real foggy, looks good on paper but other than that it's been a dead end rd . The deal buddy has started he will answer any and all questions and it's been thought through . I have to agree with reasoning behind both, but when you start talking about a national level that's a lot of peso's thats going to be exchanged, and one of my questions was how would finances be handled. I never got an answer. As much as I would like to go and support what buddy is doing my current financial situation won't allow it, Biloxi is only an hr from my place so instead of being " that guy " who just pokes fun and points out the negative things, I'm going to go show my support reguardless . Maybe positive things will come out of both and there will be a meeting of the higher powers and it will all come together. If not hope to see some of you there.
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2015, 10:18:17 am » |
FINALY SOMEONE IS GETTING IT RIGHT !!! I hope all the associations will come together because that is THE ONLY WAY that we will make progress . one mighty coalition pulling together instead of a bunch of independent groups . went thru this with the gamefowl to many little groups butting heads with each other and well you see how that went .
hattak at ofi piso
Shotgun wg
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2015, 03:02:24 pm » |
From what I understand the Biloxi one is to get the individual states to band numbers together when needed. It is not a fund sharing deal. Not a national level organization but a coalition of sorts. Now in my opinion if the guys up north can get something ironed out and the south can get something ironed out. They need to get together and get a true national level organization. Then and only then will we be able to truely make a stand. I just found out about the WIsconsin deal. I do know double U is making an effort. I also know some folks need to put ego's aside if they want to honestly do something for the dog hunters. I don't think the ones that have set up the Biloxi deal honestly know exactly the way they want to approach the situation. I think it will be play by ear. Hopefully something will get hammered out and we will all see a clear direction after the 2 meetings are over. I personally can't attend either one. So if u go stand up and make them listen.
Shotgun Arkansas