6th Annual Randy Bumpurs Memorial Hog Hunt
March 14th-15th (Expected Payout $15,000, 20-Custom Buckles, 4-Hog/Dog Wheeler Trailers, Yeti Coolers)
6 DAYS REMAINING until one of the most competitive and challenging tournaments, with 100% payout and some of the best buckles (20 total) you're going to see awarded. This year’s winners of the Big 10 category will be awarded (4) hog/dog trailers. With four separate categories, this is any man’s hunt with plenty of chances to take home buckles.
This is the Super Bowl of hog/dog hunting tournaments and you don't want to miss it.
Friday, Mar. 13th (Hays Roping Arena) - Registration for tournament ends at 11:45pm. Sign up there or see addresses on the entry form to email/mail entry form and pay through PayPal. Johnny Lee and the Urban Cowboy Band start at 8pm. Jerrod Zoch and the OSR Band start at 10pm. Tickets are $10 in advance
http://outhousetickets.com/Event/Event6640/ or $15 at the gate. Food / crawfish will be available for purchase.
Mar. 14th - Tournament starts at 12am. Optional weigh-in at Hays Roping Arena, 3pm-5pm.
Sunday, Mar. 15th (Hays Roping Arena) - Weigh-in starts at 12pm. Be in line by 3pm, No Exceptions! There will be a pig scramble for the kids (2 age groups, 1 buckle awarded per age group). If you have anything hunting related (dogs, equipment, gear, etc.) that you would like to offer for sale/trade, we welcome you to do so. The sooner you show up, the better chance you have of getting a good spot. All sales are between seller and buyer.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call or text Cole McVeay (903) -388-8056 or Richard Elfrez (254)498-5139
If you do not want to sign up in person, the entry forms can be emailed to you and payment can be made thru Pay Pal. The email address to send payment to is
thunderbird_ranch@yahoo.com . Please make sure to add the team name that the payment is for in the comments box.