As of now ONLY 1 female left. Availability of males may change when it comes time for the claimants to come get their pups. Mohoggers, i sent you a pm about yours, to the gentalman from bryan/college station, i will contact you tomorrow, to austin from fairfield, i sent you a pm, to jason from dallas/plano, i sent you an email and to the gentalman from el campo/houston, i havent forgotten about you, waiting to see who wants what and who actually shows up.
Pm me, email or txt/call 9363663024
For additional info for any new lookers, pls refer to my previous post on page 3, possibly 4 (just look for dogo bmc cross title snd or my name) AND READ AND FOLLOW ALL INFO BEFORE INQUIRING. Additional info will be answered as long as its not what i posted already.