I'm wanting some input on tension between bulldogs.
Red Russia is my main yard dog. She has some game type pedigree in her blood, super awesome bulldog. Very protective, very gentle, and a true example of a bulldog in my opinion....we as a family love her. She will never leave our yard. She would make a CD if I let her, but I'd rather keep her as a yard dog.
I introduced Bambi about 4 months ago to the yard. My goal was to have her and Lola as my CD team. Everything has been just fine until Bambi came in heat then my cur Bella came in heat afterwards.
2 weeks ago Bambi was running around the yard(I let all my dogs free range the land periodically)....
Only this time, all I know, Russia and BB teamed up on Bambi for some reason, my guess dominance issues.
I was away from work so my wife and kids let em tire out (5 min) until they could get em separated. Not good on my part-I forgot to tell them she has her automatic feeder full and no need to open the kennel,,,,just give her water. I could see the tension in the air.
So----Now I don't let Bambi run loose if any other bulldog(besides Lola) is loose.
I did not raise Bambi, so she is 18 months and all her habits came from somebody's handling other than mine.
Lola has been with us since 6 weeks, so her handle is right where it should be....no aggression, awesome 10 month old pup.
If I'm around, the dogs listen just fine. I yell stop and they stop. They are good when I'm present....
During the fight my wife said that Russia would not quit-she ignored all commands! Her button was pushed and she had Bambi pinned face down. We have never seen that side of Russia. I knew it was in her, but worst thing is I was not home! Bambi tried to listen and quit, but she had to protect herself.
My question is simple;
Can I place Russia and Bambi in a pen and train them to get along? With consistency, will they learn what I want? will their genetics as a breed rule and I'd be wasting my time?
I NEED all my dogs to be trusted to get along at ALL times. I respect pits as a breed and do not want to take away what they are at heart-which we all know what they were originally designed to do.
I believe it's all about handle and socialization. Lola and Lola's bloodline prove that to be true. Now how about Russia and Bambi? Do y'all think I may can train them with consistency to get along?
Here's Russia


Bambi and Bella's 1st catch
