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Author Topic: HELP!!! Overly Timid gyp  (Read 1545 times)
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« on: May 17, 2015, 10:28:37 am »

I need some advice. I got 3 sister gyps that were all raised together. 2 of them are great dogs. But one of em is so damn timid I can't get within 10 feet of her. She was never like this until she got attacked by a stray dog. This same dog killed the 4th sister I had(I put a bullet in that dog). But ever since she's gotten attacked she's scared number 2less of any human being. The only way I can get her to come to me is if I start petting all the other dogs sometimes she'll sneak over.  And also this dog is houdini. I chain her out she gets off, pen her up she gets out, I ain't sure how either. Any way, I'm sure someone's got some experience with a dog like this, I just need to know if I can fix her

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« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2015, 01:29:47 pm »

I had a dog that was timid as hell I eventually broke him of it but it took a lot of time on my part every night at feed time I'd get in his pen and sit down and just hang out look at my phone or whatever I never paid him any mind until he came to me then I'd pat him on the head a time or two and go back to ignoring him.After he'd come and give me a sniff and let me touch him once or twice I'd feed him.On my days off I'd go out to his pen a few times a day and do this when it wasn't feed time I'd give him some sort of treat piece of hot dog or something but only after he let me touch him.eventually he was trying to sit in my lap when I would go in there with him.I never was intimidating to him just let him do all the work.

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« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2015, 11:32:17 am »

Appreciate the advice, trouble now is catching her to get her tied back up. She won't get near me and if I manage to get my hands on her she will light my hand up, talkin bite the hell out of me. I'm just really at a loss with this dog.

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« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2015, 11:36:42 am »

Dirt nap sounds like if she is biting

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« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2015, 01:53:37 pm »

Timid dogs and coyotes are 2 different things to me.Hot lead for any coyote especially one that bites.

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« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2015, 02:34:34 pm »

Different strokes for different folks but a dog that will bite goes to doggy heaven around here. I had a dog that i loved and he was a solid catch dog. Never saw any aggression out of him. One day he was laying in the truck and my brother went in there to get something and leaned over the dog, he nipped him in the face drawing blood. The dog was in a hole within the hour. I just personally won't take a chance like that. I Would feel like crap if I went on a hunt with some folks and one of my dogs bit somebody,  especially a kid. Not to mention the possibility of a lawsuit being put on my broke a$$ . That's just me . I used to coon hunt with some folks that would ask if we didn't mind if they get there dog first because he was aggressive at the tree. Lol, hell no I don't mind, but if your dog bites me do you mind if I stick my foot down his also know a guy that had a black an tan dog that would even jump on him (the owner) at the tree. but for some reason he loved that dog and always hunted him. My walker dog knew better than to fight,  several times he would fall treed first and Clyde (the mean black and tan) would go to him and jump on him before he ever treed, my dog would leave and then olé Clyde would start treeing. We got in several SERIOUS arguments about that. I finally told him if he brought that dog I'd leave mine in the box because he was llearning bad habits from that black dog.

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« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2015, 11:22:31 am »

i definitely do not like the fact that she will put teeth on me, but its kind of my fault shes this way. I left em outside to roam one day while I was gone, came home and she had big puncture wound on her hips from being bitten. I didn't know what bit her, couple weeks later I was outside playing with all the pups and a stray german shepherd showed up out of no where and immediately went after a pup, by the time I got over there, she was dying in my arms. that german shepherd met my .308 from about 50 yds. any way I was pretty broken over that pup dying and I really don't want to have to get rid of another. im gonna try my damnedest to get this gyp turned around

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« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2015, 12:06:50 pm »

I wish you the best of luck with her, i wish i had some advice to offer. I'm sure someone has corrected a dog with your problem, i just have not,  me personally...i wouldn't care what bit the dog, I've seen dogs get jumped on by other dogs, heck I've seen a big sow pig bite a dog like another dog would and shake it to me a dog must know not to fight, and not to bite . I'm by far not a dog expert , and im a very limited experience hog hunter,  but I do fool around with some dogs every day of the week and I know what I Will , and will not put up with , regardless of the situation.  If i read your post correctly you are implying that it's somewhat your fault that the dog will bite because a stray dog jumped on her. Well think about this, i would be willing to bet that 90 percent of the hunters on here have dogs that have been literally bitten by hogs and or other dogs. If you want to hunt your dog , and another animal biting her will trigger her to bite humans, how's that going to work out? I am by no means bashing you or saying it's useless to try to fix her, because on the other hand I know what it's like to really like a dog that most folks would cull. I'm just saying think about what makes her tick, and then see if you can get what you want out of her without worrying yourself to death about an accident . Anyhow I'd like to hear any progress on the dog, and if you come up with a method that works for you I'd be interested to know about it. Good luck sir .

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« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2015, 02:48:21 pm »

how old is this gyp ?
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« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2015, 03:00:52 pm »

how old is this gyp ?
shes just under 7 months. young dog, shows a lot of potential around a pig, hell, when shes in the bay pen is the only time I can get close to her

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« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2015, 04:11:54 pm »

You can settle her down...TRUST ME....I've done it. Only reason I worked at it as hard as I did was because I KNEW the blood, the potential. Here's the story....

Two pups I picked up out of my old Jasper dog I sold...they were coyote as hell when I picked them up. They were about 6 months old and had been running loose their whole collar, hadn't been leash broke and didn't seem to have been handled at all.

The bawled and screamed, flopped around and bit me when I caught them up and collared them. I drug them to the truck and put them in the box. On the 5 hour drive home I thought....what the hell man...I've got a SERIOUS chore in front of me.

Step 1: Well...first thing I did was throw them in a kennel and when I fed them every day I sat in there a few minutes and talked to them. Within a week I was able to pet them.

Step 2: Week 2 I coupled them to the fence during feeding time...
1. The bigger of the two was finishing his food faster than the other and stealing the others food
2. It's an easy way to leash break them.
I caught a couple more bites the first couple days of that week but nothing serious...more just mouthing than anything. By the end of the 2nd week of this...the pups were pretty easily petted on and feeding was routine...each pup went to their own spot...waiting to be coupled.

Step 3: There was NO way I was letting them out of their kennel until I was SURE they'd come when I waited till about week 5 before I let them out...just before feeding time. Everything went find...the pups came when called and it was no big deal for me to put my hands on them.

It just takes time and work...some pups/dogs take longer than others. If the blood is worth it...I'll put the time/work in.

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« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2015, 04:18:09 pm »

Pups first week

The one I ended up keeping

He's around 10 months now and started in the pen and he would already be hitting the woods if I wouldn't have broke my back....but he'll be out there soon enough. No doubt in my mind he'll be as good or better than his daddy....

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« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2015, 09:51:40 pm »

Dang that's some pretty country

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« Reply #13 on: May 21, 2015, 10:04:27 pm »

Yep...not my spot...but I've been lucky enough to hunt there a few times

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« Reply #14 on: May 21, 2015, 10:38:44 pm »

Good looking dogs Kevin how's that back doing?

Slim it sounds like your dead set on this gyp I am rooting for you and I understand that if you feel there's great potential for the dog it makes working through flaws a lot easier.

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« Reply #15 on: May 21, 2015, 10:51:49 pm »

Oh...its a process cracker, lol

Just gonna take time

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« Reply #16 on: May 22, 2015, 05:47:58 am »

Well I'm sure by the sounds of you it won't keep you down.I've gone through some physical therapy for a severely broken leg and I know its not a back but it was tough nonetheless. Just keep your head up buddy and before you know it you'll be chasin that coyote you turned in to a dog through the woods lol.

Wisdom is something you get right after you need it.
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« Reply #17 on: May 22, 2015, 02:40:08 pm »

Dang that's some pretty country
agreed, saw the pics and just thought "dang!"
Good looking dogs Kevin how's that back doing?

Slim it sounds like your dead set on this gyp I am rooting for you and I understand that if you feel there's great potential for the dog it makes working through flaws a lot easier.
appreciate the advice gentlemen, as a young guy just getting in to the sport, the advice and encouragement means a lot. im gonna give this dog my all because I do believe shes worth it. ill post an update here in a few weeks

We run dillo dogs that trash on hogs
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« Reply #18 on: May 27, 2015, 10:12:52 pm »

had to have the pup euthanized, can't believe I didn't put 2 and 2 together before now. The dog had contracted rabies. She was with the pack Monday when they struck their first hog ever. Today she was put down. RIP Gem

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« Reply #19 on: May 27, 2015, 10:18:11 pm »

Holy crap man !! Sorry to hear that, 

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