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Author Topic: Just a warning!!!!!  (Read 1233 times)
Alpha Dog
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« on: May 26, 2015, 12:32:09 pm »

Be on the lookout for snakes with all the rising water. I have killed 3 in the last 12 hours 2 together and one in the garage. I was out in the garage and my little 5 year daughter was about to come out behind me and she hollered move dad and see froze I said what babe and she said a snake kill it dad. I am so thankful she knew what to do in that situation.

Life is what you make of it!!! Always stay positive
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2015, 04:19:54 pm »

I killed a copper head and saw 2 black snakes on my little 13 acres today.

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« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2015, 05:24:36 pm »

Aint seen any snakes outside, but had a possible rat snake taking up residence in our bedroom. First encounter, i was out of town working n it freaked the wife out. Sec time, we had just returned with groceries and the wife was fixin to go use the restroom and it slithered off the night stand right by the bed. That freaked her out again. She put moth balls out the first time, evidently it didnt help, so i put out some snake away from tsc, sprinkling it on both sides and behind the bed n night stands, then sprinkled it under the bathroom n closet door the nxt morning and put it out in the 2 mice holes in the bathroom. So far, no more sign of the thing, so i guess she needs to sprinkle it out in the other 3 bedrooms.
Anybody got any other mixtures to run the mice and snakes away? The wife was told a heavy mint mixture for the mice (evidently it dont work) and the mothballs dont work for snakes or mice, but the snake away is made from sulpher powder, cedar oil extract and some other kind of natural oil extract that smells good. In east tx when i was making homemade blackpowder, that seemed to keep both mice and snakes out, but had to stop using it bc of my stepmom's lung leasions and asthmia. I havent tried to make anymore bc u cant get 2 of the 3 minerals at the drugstores anymore and only place iv found it is online, which im sure is highly monitored. Anbody know where a person can get bulk (5-10lbs) saltpeter and sulpher powder locally in central tx or the lufkin tx area?

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Boar Slayer
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« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2015, 09:48:33 pm »

I don't have a clue about any kind of mixture your talking about but if a snake slithered off my nite stand I'd be in the hole for a new sheet rock job, and no telling what else  would get tore up looking for that sucker, I'm not scared of them but if one come across my chest or up my leg while I was asleep I'd probably kill me and the wife trying to get up out of bed !!!!

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Alpha Dog
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« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2015, 06:51:35 am »

I would be looking for a new house, because no way in Hell would my wife sleep in that house again...

Catch Dog
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« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2015, 02:43:36 pm »

We have rattle snakes coming into our dog pens from all the rain. One of our best cd almost died from a bite, the snake was in his dog house. Chico lost his tail but not his life we was lucky, jus fighting the how quick he went down hill , he lost 30 pounds being so sick from the bite.
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2015, 03:00:13 pm »

We have rattle snakes coming into our dog pens from all the rain. One of our best cd almost died from a bite, the snake was in his dog house. Chico lost his tail but not his life we was lucky, jus fighting the how quick he went down hill , he lost 30 pounds being so sick from the bite.
I hear a lot of folks talking about dogs dying or ccoming close to dying from rattlesnake bites, are yall talking about diamond backs? We have a lot of timber rattlers or cane breaks as some people call them,   when a dog gets bit by one of them or a copper head, it's just a good bit of swellimg, never had one get in real bad shape, even a little Boston terrier that got tagged on the forehead.  I heard that a diamond back rattlesnake is worse though.

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Catch Dog
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« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2015, 04:50:35 pm »

It was a diamond back, it bit him at the base of his tail near his anus, he sat on it in his house.  It did so much damage to the skin and tissue, the first day was horrible my pit seized and his heart raced for several hours, It was nothing like a copperhead bite, pretty scary deal.
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2015, 04:56:30 pm »

What about wrapping the lower 2-4' of yaws kennels with hardware cloth (1/2"x1/2" square metal wire mesh)? That should prevent most grown poisonous snakes from getting in since they cant fit through the mesh and cant climb/slither up that small mesh wire.
It may or may not work, just a thought.

Why should I trade one tyrant three thousand miles away for three thousand tyrants one mile away? An elected legislature can trample a man's rights as easily as a king can!
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2015, 05:21:45 pm »

I ain't saying these timber rattlers won't kill a dog but we've never had one die, we've had so many at the vet that he finally told us to just give benadryl and keep the dog cool , calm and alone for a few days. It works every time, now on the other hand my wife is a 911 dispatcher and we had a guy die from a rattlesnake bite just the other day, he tried to drive to the hospital and pulled in to a house on the way, but it was to late, he was an elderly man though, I think that played a big part in him not making it. Sad situation, I use to catch those suckers bare handed, I'll have to post some pictures up , I've caught some 6 footers . Those days are and this was just last summer

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