Jt Bowman and i took a few dogs last week and ended up seeing this single boar in a wheat field. he saw us and hit the brush we put Tiger and Jts young Odis dog and they tracked him down and got him shut down at 300 yards. sent css from 50 yds sealed the deal. luck he didn't have any teeth he was pretty scrappy

Jt, Wade Montgomery, Wyatt Walton and I hunted the Summer madness Benefit hunt Hooligan Hoggers put on for Chad Hatchet.
first thing Sat. morning My Tuff dog struck caught and held this Toothy Boar at about 200 yards in a briar patch while Jts Young Otis dog hammered down on em.. We ended up only catching 4 more sows between 100-160 lbs and a couple shoats. We didn't have enough weight to win it but had a good time hunting for a good cause.
sorry about the fingers. that was the hand sign we had to do for the tourny pics

This Last Boar is a HOSS... We dumped3 good dogs on a wheat patch and they ended up rolling out right at a mile and split baying. We had to drive around to them and it ends up benign about an hour before we ge† to the first bay. The first one we get to is my Tiger dog and a friends black dog we send watchdogs and catch a nice boar around 200 lbs with some nice cutters. He cut my Red bulldog pretty good in the mouth so we stuck him and got back to the ranger to get him taken care of and didn't get any pics. The other 2 dogs rolled over to the other bay and hammered down for another 30 min before we got to them. Sent My old CD sookie and a Young rookie CD of my friends and end up catching this Big Hoss. We got him tied and weighed him that night at 310lbs.
I know people say it all the time but this picture really does him no justice he was a TRUE STUD..