Man, I've got a little bit of everything! I wouldn't even know where to start. I have everything from AAA Jewelry grade Rosewood Burl, to plain old Maple and everything in between. I mostly work with Briar, my business is making tobacco pipes. I have a bunch of stuff I could send for handle material that is stuff I have a lot of and don't use much. Wenghe, Cherry Burl, Curly Maple. If you ever wanted to buy some of the nicer stuff or trade for a knife, I have some really good stuff. Lots of Texas Ebony that is great for scales. Really good curly and blister maple, Walnut Burl, tons of spalted stuff.
If you want to pay for the shipping, I'll send you a small flat rate box of pretty decent stuff that I have too much of.
This is my website if you want to see some of the stuff I use