I copied this from a website...I thought it might be interesting to some of you...

The brain of a psychopath is different than yours or mine (unless you're a psychopath). It has a smaller prefrontal cortex—the part that regulates behavior, impulse control, and planning—and a deformed amygdala, the seat of negative emotions like fear, guilt, and sadness.
They thrive on power and control, which you get from these suckers who—willingly!—seem to take this thing called responsibility seriously. But they’re beneath you. These losers deserve to lose—they had it coming all along. You look out for #1.
They have no empathy so you’re free from dealing with the pain you inflict on others. You get this emotion thing intellectually, so you study it to learn how to act and what to say to get what you want, no matter what; you are a master manipulator. You’d be a first-rate cult leader, corporate raider, or dictator.
Aptly described by Dr. Martha Stout, author of The Sociopath Next Door: The Ruthless Versus the Rest of Us, you are like a color-blind person looking at a traffic light. You know the topmost light is “red,” and you know what to do about it, but you have no understanding of what red truly is.
They do what they want, when you want. You need a lot of stimulation and get bored easily, so sometimes you’ll drive drunk, shoplift, start fights, humiliate coworkers, roofie that girl’s drink, or torture animals just for the fun of it.
They do what they want, when they want. They need a lot of stimulation and get bored easily, so sometimes they’ll drive drunk, shoplift, start fights, humiliate coworkers, roofie that girl’s drink, or torture animals just for the fun of it.