My dad and I started hunting at day light, and about 5 min into our hunt we noticed 2 hogs foraging on the side of a open grassy hillside.

which is on the left but not depicted. The wind was in the hogs favor so we began walking 3 dogs on lead and one loose. The Hogs spotted and or smelled us and took off at a trot.
Shortly thereafter the all the dogs caught sent and the loose dog tore up the hill, we cut the other three loose as well. The dogs caught the hog in the middle of a large brush pile half way up a steep mountain. We took off after them. The Bay broke when my dad was about ten feet from them. Too much action to get a clean shot with the pistol (S&W 629 classic, 44mag). I had started down from the top of the mountain and walked back up the truck.
I picked my dad up as he exited the other side and we drove up and over to another ridge. The bay was a running fight in thick cover. We ended up reaching the action about ½ mile down this ridge.

the entire eidge was covered in this stuff
The dogs were giving the hog hell all down the ridge and doing their best to keep him stopped. I could see the after math of battle sites evidence in the dirt, branches broken off, large torn up areas in the dirt where the had been squaring off and circling the hog. Some spots allowed you to stand but most required you belly crawl.
I made the last 15 yards to the bay inching in on my stomach pushing my Winchester lever action 44 magnum ahead of me whishing I had a couple catch dogs

. I was able to get a clear shot and pierced the hog behind its right ear. The dogs stayed with this hog for 1 hour and 42 minutes before we were able to kill it. They did a great job. Coors the dog LEE-VON turned me on to sustained a couple cuts on the front legs. One of the vests outer layer was filleted open on the chest of a dog but did not penetrate. Another dogs vest was penetrated in 2 spots but he was not injured. We were some tired but pretty happy hunters.
It was nice to be out with my dad. THe old chap has some engery, he out walked my butt big time. Must be the Marine in him.