Well, we decided to bring out the baby chicks of Matthew's. They enjoyed the outside and sunshine yesterday. One of the chicks took a liking to me and once I picked her up she didn't want to leave me. What a girl!!
Here's the baby chicks getting used to the Rhode Island Reds, or the RIR getting used to the chicks.
Me with my little chickee friend.
Here's Matt with one of the bigger girls.
We have ten RIR's, and two barred rock chicks, and one sussex chick. At the TSC where we got the chicks that's what the sign said they were anyway. I don't know for sure though. The RIR's we got as chicks from the local feed store. So we're sure what they are. We're hoping that in a few months we'll be enjoying some good ole yard eggs for breakfasts. I never thought raising chickens would be fun. But these girls are a blast to be around!!