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Author Topic: 5/1/18 big boar  (Read 1003 times)
Hog Master
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« on: May 01, 2018, 09:16:31 pm »

Had a hell of a Monday so me and a good friend decided to go make a round this afternoon out to some country we just recently got access too.(mike you might know these woods, north of Mr.Ben Besch place) around 2,000 acres total after we strung a few places together. Far as we knew hogs used to be some real deal runners and not many people supposedly had any real luck back when it was hunted hard but it had been a few years so we were hoping our mutts could get lucky. We drove road all over this place. Hit the 2nd to last corner and my sketch gyp caught wind of one. Everything smelled it and they tucked in there and stood a hog up. 2-3 minutes go by with some interrupted barks and splashing in a creek and finally the chase is on. They go 350 as a crow flies and bay. Sneak in there and wait for a shot. Young Bradley gets brave and tries to do it himself and I watched him get wrecked. Managed through all the chaos to sneak in 2 clean shots and dispatch this hog. Bradley is in bad shape, lead him up and tell Rhett to lead him out while I grab a picture and the head. As I’m cutting off the head loco and sketch bay again. Loco catches, gets whooped off and they go 200 yards and bay again. Loco gets wrecked and pulls out. Sketch goes 500 and Bays again. Get back to buggy and assess the dogs. I know I got to get to the vet so I give sketch a slight shock and tone her and she brings it on back like she knows how. Get to vet both dogs still breathing. Bradley has a almost completely severed trachea along with his chest being opened like a zipper. Loco isn’t so bad but his age is what scares me with being cut as much as he was. Doc Kainer got both put back together and hopefully they’re on the mend. Hog we ended up killing was a stud for around me. We got his head but he taxed us for it!

He had 220/230 covered. Wouldn’t quite call him 250 though. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten to pose behind the good ones lol

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We run dillo dogs that trash on hogs
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« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2018, 09:30:06 pm »

Good job Slim...I’ve seen you grow up on here...you about got it figured out... Cool

Training dogs is not about quantity, it's more about timing, the right situations, and proper guidance...After that it's up to the dog...
A hunting dog is born not made...
Hog Master
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« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2018, 11:59:28 am »

Good job Slim...I’ve seen you grow up on here...you about got it figured out... Cool
Thank you sir. I’ve come a long ways in my own eyes. I can remember the first time I ever got a dog simply cut and I was freaking out. Now I keep a cool head and focus on getting dogs out of the woods and whatever attention they need whether I can handle it or I need to call the vet. I think sometimes I used to enjoy hunting more because I had 0 expectations for dogs. I didn’t know what good dogs were so as far as I was concerned the first set of culls we had were hog dogs. Now I know a good dog, I know a great dog, and I can recognize effort in my own dogs. When I don’t get their best or we get out done I leave frustrated trying to evaluate who made what mistake. Me or this dog or that dog. I love doing this, haven’t met anyone my age yet thats been able to relate to my view on it which seems to be why I hunt with guys 2x my age.

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We run dillo dogs that trash on hogs
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« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2018, 07:06:45 pm »

Dang it man... I hope the dogs heal up ok. That’s a good hog and there’s some damn good ones in that country. I’ve bayed lots of big groups of hogs out there, caught lots of “easy” hogs out there and had lots of knock down, drag out races that show you the country out there haha.

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« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2018, 08:00:10 pm »

They are both home now. Crated in my garage. On raw hamburger meat diet with a slew of meds. This little Bradley dogs windpipe is being held together by stitches and he tried to run off leaving the vet(no collar or leash allowed lol) the resilience and grit of these dogs amazes me. Mr.Mike thanks, i figured you knew the country, wasn’t throwing any jabs either. I talked to Ben and told him same kinda thing I was told they run hard and we both agreed they run pretty much anywhere. Mr.Besch blamed it on them dang open dogs jokingly. That stuff out there is really thick. Thicker than most anything I hunt.

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We run dillo dogs that trash on hogs
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« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2018, 08:23:52 pm »

That’s good, sounds like the dogs will be fine. Ol Ben’s as good as they come. He knows everyone in that country and could sure help you if you ever got in a bind out there.

Tell him that damned old plott hound he had for a while got them hogs running haha.

Hog Master
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« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2018, 08:38:46 pm »

That’s good, sounds like the dogs will be fine. Ol Ben’s as good as they come. He knows everyone in that country and could sure help you if you ever got in a bind out there.

Tell him that damned old plott hound he had for a while got them hogs running haha.
Haha I will tell him. He was as nice as they come for never having met me. I called him up wanting to make sure I wasn’t gonna be stepping on anyone’s toes out there and if he’d be okay with me atleast retrieving dogs and he told me go right ahead, shoot him a text and don’t quit hunting at his fence. Also offered to get me in touch with a few of the other people he said were worth talking to out there. Gonna have to get him to tag along with us sometime. Heck maybe you could make a trip down sometime!

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We run dillo dogs that trash on hogs
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« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2018, 08:45:30 pm »

Ben’s a hog hunter just like us... he used to give them hell out there. Let me know... I’d like to make a round out there again, it’s been a few years since I’ve been out that way.

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« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2018, 03:40:30 am »

Good hog man, hope your dogs heal fast!
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2018, 07:51:10 am »

Good hog slim, even better job tending to the dogs wellbeing...

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