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Author Topic: Large catch dog 55+ lbs VS small catch dog 50 and below  (Read 7889 times)
Hog Master
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« Reply #100 on: June 13, 2018, 04:34:00 pm »

I was given a pair of pups in late 2016 that are 1/2 pit, 1/4 AB, and 1/4 Staghound. They are 19 months old now. Both have become very nice catch dogs. The female is an athletic, 75lbs and looks like an athletic bulldog. The male is 95 lbs and looks like a greyhound on steroids. My catch rate has improved quite a bit with them. They get to bays fast and if a hog breaks, they will run them down. A hog has no chance to get away in open country. The thick brush slows them down just like any other dog. The size, wind, and athleticism comes in handy. They have brains and handle like a dream.
I have hunted with some top shelf dogos, AB’s, and pits. There are good dogs in all of them. A pair of 40lb pits are hard to beat in the brush. The good AB’s have a very nice, controlling catch style. Probably the best option if you use a solo catch dog. The good dogos are like athletic AB’s that can run hogs down regularly and work well as a lead ins.

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my dogos have ausie styled many of pig in crops 2 out style, they have also caught many after bay breaks and they run them down.

   The dogo breed does not possess the speed needed to run down pigs.    If so we would be using them for crop dogs and 1 out finder holders.      Instead they are almost entirely sent to bays by people here in the US and even in South America they use acouple  what they call a barbarucho's (something similar to that word) to run the pigs down.     They use them in their packs of dogos they hunt.           It's crazy how it's only the bay dog man who hail the dogo as a dog that runs pigs down.    I can't count on 1 finger all the finder holder men or crop doggers who use dogos because of their phantom speed.   Why is this? Because they don't posses it.  Not even a good one!    A good fast dogo only has the speed to keep up with pressured crop pigs not catch them in the feild.        If you don't believe this to be true, I invite you to bring your dogo and I'll take you and a good dogo to do some crop work and you can tell everyone if this phantom speed a good dogo possesses is real or just your misunderstanding of the real speed needed to run pigs down on a regular basis in the open.      Catching a pig in the open thats not pressured that stands and fights or just lolly gags around is easy for any cd.    The speed needed for pressured pigs in the open is much more than the 3 common breeds used as lead ins posses.   I'll gladly prove it to anyone who thinks differently so they will stop speeding misinformation about dog breeds
Black Streak
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« Reply #101 on: June 21, 2018, 04:55:18 pm »

Let me be clear, I’m not saying dogos are the fastest catch dogs in the world. I’m well aware there are faster breeds of catch dogs out there. My point was that the good ones I have seen had more speed and wind than the pits/ABs I have seen.
I have watched a couple of dogs run down and catch hogs in pastures & fields consistently. I guess the hogs were slow and unpressured.
I’m not spreading bad information about them. I’ve watched it with my own two eyes.
BlackStreak - I will never post on another thread that you comment on. You consistently come on this site looking for an opportunity to push the positive attributes of your type of dog. You regularly make condescending remarks and act as if your a moderator on all things related to catch dogs and downing bay dog guys. Life is too short to have dialogue with people who lack tact or diplomacy.

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   Thanks, I'm pretty proud I'm not seen as tactful and diplomatic or politically correct to BS.    To many people come to this forum to search for understanding and knowledge.  I'm not here to add to the BS or half truths or talking points
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