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Author Topic: Progressive politics and the Pitbull  (Read 791 times)
Alpha Dog
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« on: May 03, 2019, 09:40:43 pm »

This video just happened to pop up on my YouTube. I’m sure it because of an algorithm because I watch dog related stuff on occasion.

I watched it and really couldn’t believe what I was listening too!

From start to finish the suppositions this person made and the mighty
leaps of the comparisons she made with absolutely no basis in facts as related to the subjects were utterly mind boggling.

Really these progressives and the stuff they push are some of the most idiotic notions I’ve ever heard.

My son, that I have raised as a life long bulldog owner and hunter, just today completed his first year of college at LSU for bio engineering.He is an honor student but to remain in honors he has to take an honors class every semester. A lot of these classes he has to choose from, most of them are humanities type classes.

I’m sure glad he has a strong foundation of knowledge. And I can’t believe folks like this with obvious lack of an kind of knowledge but willing to draw parallels socially if these sort are in a position to lecture about anything....

She can’t even answer any questions asked of her at the end with any facts. Just makes it up as she goes along! It really is unbelievable. For a good laugh give it a listen when ya got time to burn. Won’t be long before it all kinds of working/hunting dogs  or animals as a whole they are talking about.
Rough curs
Strike Dog
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« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2019, 09:19:28 am »

Lol she is a quack. Couldn't make sense of anything she said.
T-Bob Parker
Hog Doom
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« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2019, 11:41:48 am »

She’s definitely an elitist, I have no doubts about that. That being said, she is a curious woman who has a genuine desire to find historic and sociopolitical confirmation to her previously held biases. I would bet she honestly tried to unpeel the history of pit dogs and simply used the resources that are most often available to the Internet connected public. You can hear in her overview of the breed history and her explanation of her fighting dog/fighting man hypothesis that she is basing most of this speech off of readily available, plausible modern wives tales. Just like the bait-dog myth, most of what she now sincerely believes is self fulfilling, plausible fan-fiction & these people get a sense of self importance and righteousness from being the keepers of this “knowledge”

These folks are unfortunately powerful and their moronic theories become the law that we all fall under, but for all their supposed “wisdom” they are no better than bourgeoisie snobs who will overlook the working poor under their nose to throw breadcrumbs to the needy across town.

Windows Down, Waylon Up.
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