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Author Topic: Alfa collar malfunction  (Read 1084 times)
Hog Doom
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« on: February 24, 2020, 02:51:44 pm »

Has anyone had an alfa collar shock a dog unintentionally? I can't be 100% sure that's what happened but all circumstances suggest it. Had one on a young dog that has really been turning the crank. All of a sudden one hunt he went to acting real weird and out of character. That very hunt the collar quit working all together. He was pretty mental for a couple of hunts but seems to be returning to his old form.

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« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2020, 04:14:40 pm »

I cannot say that I have had one shock but I have had one tone or beep.  I was hunting in a National Forest and lots of other Alphas around and I know that there was another collar with the same ID as mine with another hunting party because I would pick it up if I didn't have that collar even on.  One day I was standing beside my box and I hear one of the collars beeping and my unit was on my dash.  The dog in the box was looking at me like I haven't done anything, I'm just sitting here in the box. 

I have never read that but it is electrical and if it shorted out somehow I think it would be possible.
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2020, 04:39:11 pm »

Funny this is brought up, we just lost one heck of a seasoned strike dog and this possibility was brought up, collar quit working altogether and when we finally found the dog he looked as if he was sucking extremely hard for air and we couldn’t get his mouth to open, to be honest he looked like he had been electrocuted to death the way his body was contorted and such, were not sure if he got hit by the hog and the points of the collar crushed his wind pipe or the collar malfunctioned and shorted out and electrocuted him to the point he couldn’t breather and basically suffocated, there’s a whole number of possibilities and scenarios but some pretty sharp minds were all thinking of the “what if’s” and all signs point to the collar somehow being the root of the problem, you won’t read much on these instances and occurrences on the internet because garmin will do what’s necessary to keep it hushed, by no means am I saying that the collar was to blame, just makes a fella wonder a good bit, at then end of the day they are electrical devices and we all know that water and electricity don’t mix, either way it was a horrible situation to walk into and find one of your best friends and ole tried and true companions had reached the end of his life and you don’t have a clue how it happened...
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« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2020, 12:08:13 am »

I saw pictures on FB just yesterday of a partially melted tt15 collar that was on a dog and malfunctioned, it would have been bad had they not got it off the dog pretty quick

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"stupids in the water these days, they're gonna drink it anyway." - Chris Knight
Hog Doom
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« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2020, 05:11:34 am »

I would bet my bottom dollar if there was a way to prove it that the collar shocked this one. The collar is shot. It won't do a thing now and it just so happened that him acting so out of character and it malfunctioning happened simultaneously. I know they don't set out to make a product that is intentionally going to do something like this but they better address it. People like myself will abandon their product over these types of possibilities. There was also another set of hunters that were ran into at a bay that morning. I don't know if they were running an alfa or not but it makes you wonder. The dog this happened to is a likely part of my breeding program as are all my dogs in one form or another. A person that just jumps to conclusions would've had a bad taste in their mouth about this dog over this particular hunt and the next one or two after it. Luckily he's bouncing back to original form.

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Boar Slayer
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« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2020, 10:53:43 am »

I saw the post that Justin is referring to, the collar was melted pretty bad. I am surprised the dog didn’t have some serious burns from it (as far as I know). It makes me wonder did it just malfunction, or did someone go tinkering with a collar trying to fix it or replace something and then have that happen. As far as the shocking goes, that’s a scary thought to think that it may electrocute the dog without you even trying to shock him. Normally I run my collars over a cut collar where the prongs don’t contact them. I use the tone feature but I don’t really use the shock feature after seeing dogs get screwed up by using it. Around the house I will, but not in the woods

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« Reply #6 on: February 29, 2020, 09:02:01 am »

I'm sceptical about the collar shocking the dog by itself...There are thousands being used and I've never heard of this before.  You have no evidence of this happening just a wild guess.
Hog Doom
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« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2020, 09:01:19 am »

It is all suspicion. There are several scenarios that are possible. There were other hunters on that were ran I to that morning on the same property. They could've possibly been trying to shock one of their dogs and it shocked mine. The problem with that theory is that my dog was wearing the very collar that all of a sudden quit working period at exactly the same time as my very hard hunting hard baying dog started acting so it of character.  He didn't start acting like that for no reason. The collar 100% malfunctioned, so why couldn't it have shocked him when it did? I can't think of a reason to rule it out.

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« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2020, 11:54:09 am »

I don’t put anything passed the junk garmin is putting out these days. I would lean towards interference with another hunter. I know we found out the hard way you can in fact link a T5 to a alpha and 320 at the same time and track from both hand held a, but it frys the collar in about 10 minutes. Garmin to  swore to me that was impossible. Well we did it 3 times before we realized what was doing it, so I beg to differ.

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