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Author Topic: America  (Read 2423 times)
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2021, 05:31:28 am »

They got all the control, they wanted it - so now let’s see what they can do with it.  Net Zero emissions by 2050, I don’t think so as they all jump in their gasoline motorcades after the Ignauration.  Lucky for them, Guatemala shut down the first migrant caravan that was headed this way last week, but there’s more coming.  Oh and by the way the ANONYMOUS spokesperson for the Biden administration on national TV quoting “don’t come now, now is not the time”.

What bothers me the most is what my kids are having to go through. My daughter was called a Trump White Supremacist the other day by a fellow volleyball team member.  Now that’s fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and if you choose to generalize and be ignorant, then that’s your choice. The crappy thing about it is that these 16 year olds wouldn’t even be having these conversations about racism and slavery if this country hadn’t been divided by the Democrats currently as well as in the Obama administration. These particular young ladies know nothing about life at 16 and sure as hell don’t relate to slavery and oppression.

The other thing to watch is this transgender crap. I heard yesterday that a transgender athlete joined the volleyball team at Aledo high school. The parents are up in arms. Biden supposedly has already been passing laws regarding bathroom use, etc.......

The economics and immigration policies will be what they are - I can’t control it, but I relay get pissed when my values are attacked. The needless division of our youth is only going to breed it into our grandkids. There is no way in hell that a guy identifying as a girl needs to be in a bathroom or locker room with my wife or daughter.
Hog Doom
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« Reply #21 on: January 23, 2021, 08:59:13 am »

This restroom/locker room thing is going to open the door for sexual predators on whole other level. Another thing is when you are on top as America has been, there are two sides. Those that want to be on your team and those that hate and live to see you fall. The twin towers will only be an example of things to come with loose borders or lax policies towards illegal immigration. That isn’t directed towards any one nationality but every nationality. Come legally and I welcome you. Do I think the wall was the answer, I really don’t know but I don’t think it was gonna hurt things. It’s kinda like going through a drought and you have all the cattle on your pastures and water that it will sustain. Then you come home one day and the neighbors on both sides that have barren pastures have cut the fence so their cattle can graze your grass and drink from your water sources. Likely those cattle haven’t been vaccinated and are poor so who knows what disease your herd is going to contract. It’s just common sense that terrorists know of our border issues. We make every weakness public knowledge either through news media or social media. There are just too many issues to rant about and no one person is going to be able to fix them and for sure in 4 years. Common sense is a curse anymore. I’m gonna say this and then I’m gonna get off my soap box. Trump was opinionated and too many times didn’t know when to shut up. One thing about it though, he meant everything he said. Other world leaders and terrorists knew that if they messed with the USA that Trump was gonna bring down the thunder without hesitation. When people know you will stand up for yourself without reservation, they aren’t so eager to mess with you. A passive, bleeding heart leader that wants to negotiate and talk it out is going to get many innocent people killed. I had confidence that Trump was out to keep our nation and our people safe. I absolutely am in doubt with this new president. Time will tell and hopefully in our favor.

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Boar Slayer
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« Reply #22 on: January 23, 2021, 10:36:58 am »

Good questions and I will answer them with my opinion.

I am not happy but calm down. 15 dollars a hour will lead to more incentive based pay jobs. Like sales folk have had for some time. Like in construction they will pay by a % of the job. Put your people all on 1099s or cash.
No $15/hr will lead to less jobs as it is not feasible to 1099 ALL jobs nor are a lot of people willing to break the law and nor should they have to.

Guns are not going away. They don’t know who has what.
But try and buy ammo, and it will get worse. Also watch the laws they will be trying to pass and the registrations they will be trying to create.

The military is not full of tree hugging liberals.
But the new commander and chief is and when the liberals control the education system and media it will continue to change like everything else. This is an obvious fact whether it be good or bad.

Now is the time to reflect in my opinion. Did a man that has soft clean hands really have your best interest at heart or did you get sold?
They almost all do and yes he was the first President since Reagan that did far more than most of these career politicians imo. Look at how much he got done with the democrats and RINO's trying to sabotage him every step of the way. No President has ever been treated this way in modern times.

Did he do right by us with the covid stuff?
Absolutely considering he tried closing off the borders before anyone else and was called racist for it, not to mention all the flip flopping the so called professional doctors and the WHO were doing. COVID was not his fault though the mainstream media will sure tell you it is. 

I can tell you the Midwest farmers realized he sold them when they couldn’t sell crops before covid when he started the trade war. I know a hand full of farmers that no longer have a family farm because of it.
You can tell us some midwest farmers, not the majority thats why he won almost all of those states, and the states he didn't (MI, WS) he only lost due to the huge cities, he still won the rural counties. I can tell you by driving through farmland in the UP, TX, LA, and even CA he was hugely supported by those farmers. Not saying it didn't affect some farmers negatively but nothing is ever perfect for everyone. Should he be like China Biden and Barrack Osama and sell us down the road to china, russia and iran to get his kids on the board and to get them to stop smoking crack? Or are fair trade deals worth the fight? It seems very short sighted to continue to let China bully us in trade imo. Make no mistake China is our biggest outside threat and not just ours but the whole worlds.

Oil field work is what it is. The oil field was do ited once the Saudi and Russia started the price war about 8 months ago. Or am I wrong? I might have started to recover and is messed up again. It is the nature of the business.
Doesn't account for all the job loss and what the price of gas will be. Also it is very easy for people who don't hold those jobs to say it is what it is or they need to find a new trade because you are not the one supporting your family on it.

Was our economy not booming before china let the virus out? Was the election a fraud, do you really believe sleepy creepy Joe got more legitimate votes than Obama who's campaign was a movement?

I am not picking at you specifically I am just answering the questions you posed with my own opinion.
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #23 on: January 23, 2021, 10:44:09 am »

I have a question. Do you think that when Biden/Harris/Democrats/liberals play by a different set of rules than what they hold conservatives to that it won't lead to Chaos? When ANTIFA murder children and burn down federal courthouses and buildings, not to mention attack cops and say all cops are evil and hunting down innocent people in the streets and it is their right to protest and who said protests have to be peaceful. But when conservatives occupy the federal building in the capital and a cop shoots an unarmed veteran and another Police officer tragically loses his life that these are insurrectionists and domestic terrorists who should all be thrown in prison just for being there and the key thrown away?

What I have been taught was throughout history when you start letting one group play by different rules than another group it almost never leads to anything good.
Catch Dog
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« Reply #24 on: January 23, 2021, 01:11:06 pm »

We made it through 8 years of Obama so I think we will be ok.

I will see y'all back here in about 4 years and you can tell me how wrong I was lol.

Bay Dog
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« Reply #25 on: January 23, 2021, 01:25:21 pm »

Good questions and I will answer them with my opinion.

I am not happy but calm down. 15 dollars a hour will lead to more incentive based pay jobs. Like sales folk have had for some time. Like in construction they will pay by a % of the job. Put your people all on 1099s or cash.
No $15/hr will lead to less jobs as it is not feasible to 1099 ALL jobs nor are a lot of people willing to break the law and nor should they have to.

Guns are not going away. They don’t know who has what.
But try and buy ammo, and it will get worse. Also watch the laws they will be trying to pass and the registrations they will be trying to create.

The military is not full of tree hugging liberals.
But the new commander and chief is and when the liberals control the education system and media it will continue to change like everything else. This is an obvious fact whether it be good or bad.

Now is the time to reflect in my opinion. Did a man that has soft clean hands really have your best interest at heart or did you get sold?
They almost all do and yes he was the first President since Reagan that did far more than most of these career politicians imo. Look at how much he got done with the democrats and RINO's trying to sabotage him every step of the way. No President has ever been treated this way in modern times.

Did he do right by us with the covid stuff?
Absolutely considering he tried closing off the borders before anyone else and was called racist for it, not to mention all the flip flopping the so called professional doctors and the WHO were doing. COVID was not his fault though the mainstream media will sure tell you it is. 

I can tell you the Midwest farmers realized he sold them when they couldn’t sell crops before covid when he started the trade war. I know a hand full of farmers that no longer have a family farm because of it.
You can tell us some midwest farmers, not the majority thats why he won almost all of those states, and the states he didn't (MI, WS) he only lost due to the huge cities, he still won the rural counties. I can tell you by driving through farmland in the UP, TX, LA, and even CA he was hugely supported by those farmers. Not saying it didn't affect some farmers negatively but nothing is ever perfect for everyone. Should he be like China Biden and Barrack Osama and sell us down the road to china, russia and iran to get his kids on the board and to get them to stop smoking crack? Or are fair trade deals worth the fight? It seems very short sighted to continue to let China bully us in trade imo. Make no mistake China is our biggest outside threat and not just ours but the whole worlds.

Oil field work is what it is. The oil field was do ited once the Saudi and Russia started the price war about 8 months ago. Or am I wrong? I might have started to recover and is messed up again. It is the nature of the business.
Doesn't account for all the job loss and what the price of gas will be. Also it is very easy for people who don't hold those jobs to say it is what it is or they need to find a new trade because you are not the one supporting your family on it.

Was our economy not booming before china let the virus out? Was the election a fraud, do you really believe sleepy creepy Joe got more legitimate votes than Obama who's campaign was a movement?

I am not picking at you specifically I am just answering the questions you posed with my own opinion.

Some great points. The economy was great before covid.

Oil field has helped support my family. I am a hard worker and decided I can move on. If anyone can’t take the ups and downs of it and want to cry when it’s bad but piss away money when it’s good I can’t feel bad for you.

We are American we will get through this might be rough but the world is not ending.
Judge peel
Hog Doom
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« Reply #26 on: January 23, 2021, 03:01:24 pm »

Dang right the world ain’t ending. I spew America with every breath. I got flags on my house in my yard on my trucks on my equipment on my shop on my business logo. But I got my limits to. I didn’t have much against Obama his health care took care of my old lady she might not be here if it wasn’t for that so big thanks. I always been one to let people have there opinions and not cut them down but the good old days of every one having each other’s backs are behind us. In my opinion liberals take and take and take. My opinion is government shouldn’t mandate who wins and who don’t lose your job see if white privileged gets you anything.

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Bay Dog
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« Reply #27 on: January 23, 2021, 06:31:10 pm »

Dang right the world ain’t ending. I spew America with every breath. I got flags on my house in my yard on my trucks on my equipment on my shop on my business logo. But I got my limits to. I didn’t have much against Obama his health care took care of my old lady she might not be here if it wasn’t for that so big thanks. I always been one to let people have there opinions and not cut them down but the good old days of every one having each other’s backs are behind us. In my opinion liberals take and take and take. My opinion is government shouldn’t mandate who wins and who don’t lose your job see if white privileged gets you anything.

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I didn’t much for Obama. He was a little to soft for me. The fact Obama care helped your family makes me like him a little more.

You also have to give it to Trump. If you do ited with America you were gonna feel it in the morning. I still think he should have retaliated when Iran bombed our base in Iraq.

That being said if they ever call to ask my opinion. You should not be commander and chief if you have never put on the uniform.
T-Bob Parker
Hog Doom
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« Reply #28 on: January 23, 2021, 11:06:23 pm »

Evening fellas!

Let me step in a steaming pile for a moment and really put my foot in my mouth.  Grin

I would like for all good, right thinking, conservative, patriotic Americans to please stop using the term LIBERAL for the authoritarian A-holes on the American Left. PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE, let’s refer to them as LEFTISTS because that’s who youre actually angry at.

Liberals are not the enemy, Leftists are. A traditional Liberal is one who believes in “I may disagree with what you said but I’ll fight to defend your right to say it”. A liberal is one who wants everybody to have equal rights according to law, they believe in the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness etc. The angry, mean-spirited, puritanical, authoritarians in the Democrat side of the aisle are not Liberals, they are Leftists! They cloak themselves in good liberal ideas but then poison them with their left wing, statist authoritarianism and turn liberals and conservatives against each other. 

I believe that the events of the last 12 years are waking up Liberals to the terrifying authoritarianism of the Leftists in their party and we conservatives should use this opportunity to welcome traditional liberals into our side of the aisle.

Let’s say you hate abortion. Most liberals don’t like abortion either (remember the phrase “safe, legal and rare”?) BUT they want to preserve the ability for women to get them when medically necessary and won’t go along with religious based complete bans on all abortion procedures. You might not realize it, but we can find enough common ground on that issue to find an acceptable compromise with liberals.

How about this Trans garbage? You hate what’s being FORCED on our nation? Here’s a crazy little secret, Liberals want Trans people to be treated fairly and stuff, but most liberals pretty dang uncomfortable with pervert teenage boys using Trans-rights laws as a way to access girls locker rooms too and if we frame our arguments correctly, liberals will compromise with us.

There’s a million more examples, but my basic point is that even though we disagree with liberals on a lot of topics, real liberal HATE authoritarianism and if we do our best to be smart, well spoken conservatives, liberals will RUN away from Leftists in the very near future.

Windows Down, Waylon Up.
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