Hi y’all. I figured I’d take time a figure out this phone, and utilize it while I can. Made a video to show the progress of our APBT program we have built. It’s been fun over the years learning the breed and keeping our style of catch dogs producing. I made this video out of several videos, Huncho being the focus since his brain and handle is due to my 16 year old son Eliah owning him. I like Lola being a wild child, Huncho proves how smart this breed really is, and how my son has payed attention over the years. Just some fun video clips of what it looks like to have a plan and stick to it. Working on our 6th generation litter now since Lola is in heat, we are excited about the future for sure. Enjoy the playtime, and Piggie Smalls has never been used to train catch dogs, and Huncho has never been used as a catch dog.
https://youtu.be/hMRyWq4iRbYSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk