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Author Topic: Smart things you’ve seen hogs do?  (Read 700 times)
Hog Doom
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« on: July 15, 2022, 10:35:34 am »

We made a hunt yesterday and caught a pretty nice boar. When we got up to the bay I eased in to see which way to send the catch dog in from because it was a pretty bad thicket. I was probably 15 feet from the hog but I couldn’t see him until he rushed at two of the dogs. They of course were trying to get out of the way. As soon as they started their retreat backwards he spun around like he was going to catch the dogs that were behind him as they came in to grab him in the butt. But since it was so thick they couldn’t swoop in. He realized it and immediately turned back to the two dogs he flushed at and proceeded to run them down. At this point they were 6 feet from me and in a trail. One dog turned to run and the other was side passing. As the hog got up on them the dog side passing hit the breaks and peeled in around behind the hog. The hog caught the dog that had turned to run but didn’t do any damage because the other dogs found a way through and the other dog that got around him were chewing on him hard from behind. About the time he turned to get them off the back end the catch dog was there to seal the deal. Yes we caught him but that to me was quick survival thinking on the hogs part. He saw forces divided and figured he’d take them out while the opportunity presented itself.

Saw a sow once that made the same little loop a few times through a set of woods. There was a pond that butted up to these woods and she would go over the dam each time. Finally she ducked off into the water and swam over to some brush that was over hanging the water. She completely submerged everything except the tip of her nose so she could breath. The dogs knew she went in the water but were puzzled because there wasn’t an out track and they couldn’t see her. I should’ve let her make it but I couldn’t stand that she was gonna beat my dogs lol. Once they started giving up on it I threw a stick in and made her move so they could see her.

I chased another boar for about 3+ years. He was a big spotted hog and super slick and a bad dude. He cut my old Clyde dog and a son of his all to pieces one hunt. Every time we were ever on him he was with a group of hogs. He would stand right in the middle of them while the dogs were baying. There was no way to send a catch dog to him specifically. Once the group scattered when you sent the catch dog, he would stand in place so not to attract the attention of the dogs. Of course they would take off chasing the hogs running past them and once everyone was gone he would just ease off in a walk and disappear. A few times the dogs would pick up his  track and bay him but we could never get close enough to them before he’d break bay. He took the same escape route every time but because of the property lay outs we couldn’t ever get around in front of him in time. Finally we found him bedded alone one morning and we sunk his ship.

These kinds of things are pretty fascinating to me. Animals are way smarter than we give them credit for, especially the bigger older ones! What are some things y’all have seen hogs do?

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Hog Doom
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« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2022, 06:51:32 pm »

  I dont know if it is smart or learned behavior but if a hog gets away doing certain things, they will repeat it. Everyone has run a good boar for a while just to have him throw the dogs off on sows and shoats. Dont really know if he is just running his route or deliberately running for other hogs.
   I have also seen them bay up among cows. Maybe safety in numbers?
  We ran a boar all day once only to have the dogs give out by 3:00pm. This was in July. We went the next day to a different feeder a mile away and got on a good boar. After he made two crossings I knew it was the same hog we ran the day before. We met him at every crossing and turned fresh dogs on him and picked up the back dogs. Finally at 2:30 the dogs bayed him. Point is if we would not have run him the day before I would not have known where he would cross he would have probably gotten away. From the hog's perspective, he had gotten away the day before and he was repeating what he knew to get away from the dogs.

Bayou Cajun Plotts
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« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2022, 08:27:51 pm »

I have seen several good Barrs hit a road and run couple hundred yards down it then hit thicket again

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Hog Doom
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« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2022, 09:39:26 pm »

NLA  I think that happens more than people realize. I’ve seen lots of hogs lost at the road.

Cajun that was good handling on your part and good dog work from your dogs. Sometimes it just doesn’t matter what the dogs do, unless they just straight up catch the hog, some hogs are going to run no matter what. The other day we bayed a good hog in high weeds. He tried to run and came straight to me. Of course all I could see were glimpses of him. They were just enough to know that he was a good hog. I stood still because I didn’t think he even knew I was there. He let me know when he came past me that he did by slapping me in the leg and ripping my boot and pants leg. He left a scratch about 6” long across my shin. Thank goodness for the boots lol. That’s about as close as you can get to getting cut without actually getting cut. As he came by though, he was in obvious 4 wheel drive because ole Zeke had him by the pride and joy and was sitting back as hard as he could. He got loose and we never bayed him again.

We had a boar about 140# that stopped and literally got under an old momma cow once. She had a calf that was probably a couple days old so she wasn’t happy. We walked around her I bet 10 times trying to flush the hog or get where we could catch the hog but it wasn’t working. Finally I had my buddy close in on one side and I closed in from the other and her and the calf dart out about 10-15’ and I sent the catch dog. I was beginning to wonder if that hog wasn’t going to get away in plain sight.

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« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2022, 04:58:21 pm »

We were hunting a river bottom a old buddy had and the dogs, train (littermate to my crank dog) and bill (dog off crank) jumped a boar hog and got it bayed before we got there it broke and went about 2 miles as a crow flies bayed again so we headed there broke again dogs started running there same track went back down in the river bottom within 50 yards of where they bayed originally showed treed again about 10 minutes later they started back up the same track again went back to the same spot 2 miles away everyone we were hunting with started saying they lost the hog and  wanted to leave so we brought them back to their truck
meanwhile dogs had done went back to the river bottom so james (owns train) guy that owned the place and myself headed to a old cutoff rd about halfway down this track they’ve ran back and forth 3-4 times already to cut them off sitting there waiting on the dogs about 120 yards from the rd out pops the 200+ black boar hog they’d been chasing the whole time running his same track over and over never altered his pattern till he saw us and bolted

Train shut him down about 900 yards later in a creek but I’d never seen a hog just run back and forth same track that many times trying to loose a dog

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« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2022, 02:34:45 pm »

most common things ive seen is a big boar running the dogs into smaller hogs or a sounder to dump the dogs on the other hogs. I saw one that got away from us in this heat swim a large pond like an Olympian/super fast. Not commonly but had a few run in the middle of cows and bay in the middle of the cows.
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